Such BS they wasted time to put some garbage games on there, but can't make lollipop chainsaw BC? I guess I'll never get to finish it now. Have the disc, but not buying a 360 to play it.
@Zombie8814: Many of the games get rereleased, that's how i play the wii u games i missed out on, but i understand the sentiment. If they still made & sold wii & wii u,,i could understand them not wanting to make them backwards compatible. Since they don't, i don't see why they won't, except it's just not worth their time, or they plan to monetize them somehow (through subscription,, possibly), yet that may never come to fruition, so it wouldn't actually hurt them, imo. I think it's just too costly to worry about making anything new BC,, especially given the cart/dvd aspect between this & last 2 systems. It's a good idea in theory,, but i can see why it won't happen. Most im your case would just emulate them on PC.
@ya_got_me: Many of u played the 8 & 16 bit era games when they released & couldn't wait to get to a decent generation, so have no desire to go back to that. Yes, there are opinions that differ from yours, in case u weren't aware. Good or bad aren't factual statements, they are subjective, so they can't be "wrong".
@BlendThree: definitely agree. I don't think they understand that gamers like us exist (tho i own a switch anyways, but don't care for the handheld portion & would gladly have bought a docked only version of available).
@at0m1x: it's crazy how when people/companies make more money, they become even more greedy. That's ironic because they could actually afford to be generous now & thank the loyal fans who made that possible (unlike before the billion+), yet in these cases, companies are more likely to increase the price & make it $70+ for the cheapest version, due to hubris, sadly.
twztid13's comments