tylergamereview's forum posts
[QUOTE="tylergamereview"]Yes then and now. Those who are against the use of atomic bombs in WWII do not have a proper education of the Pacific theater and the state of Japan at that time. The war was not near over, Japan was not about to surrender, and the death toll of what was already the most devastating event in human history would have been far greater had they not been used.SpellingiscoolThat's false. Their loss was inevitable and they knew that already. The bombs were just icing on the cake. Incorrect. There are books written about the final Diet meeting when surrender was decided upon. Most members of the Diet were in support of the war continuing. The war would have continued had the Emperor not stepped in and asked for surrender. The army, the leaders, and the nation itself were determined to die fighting. No really, civilians were being trained to fight as suicide bombers. I'm afraid I can't provide you with a link, but I can steer you towards a few books with this info if you prefer.
Killing Hitler would be stupid. You could debate all day about would or could have happened, but I would go back in time, take all of his stuff, drug him, shave his mustache while he is asleep, take pictures, and then sell the photos for being the only photos of Hitler without a ridiculous mustache. Then sell his mustache. And then sell the rest of his stuff.
[QUOTE="tylergamereview"] He didn't kill Osama, the SEALS did!
He didn't kill Osama, the SEALS did! hhmm, correct. Well if that's wrong, my knowledge of Obama has been sliced in half. All I know is that he likes to go on trillion dollar spending sprees. I wish I had that kind of money. Or that kind of disregard for my future.... actually no, I don't.[QUOTE="tylergamereview"]He was a huge spender who killed Osama. So he was like a really really really expensive hitman. Yeah. Politics are fun.whipassmt
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