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Great Weekend Review..

Hey you guys.. long time no see..:P How've you been? Pretty good? How was your weekend? Mine was awesome:D!

I don't know where to start:D.. *thinks a few minutes*.. ow yeah.. I'll start from the beginning8)
Just the fact that I could spend time with my Uncle was all I needed to look forward to really:), he's a great guy.. and it had been a long time since we actually did something together.. 'cause he's grown up and has a girlfriend and all.. so this meant a lot to me:). 
Once at his house he already had a surprise in store.. he had bought a new television set. A Samsung flatscreen TV:D!!! Awesome picture and pretty big:D, with HD of course:P.. Also a cool feature, there was this installed cable by which you could transfer the PC's picture onto you TV's picture.. that plus a wireless mouse and keyboard equals surfing on the net while in bed:P on a big TV:D! As a matter of fact I actually wrote the last blog that way:P..
We already went by the local gamestore for a game or a Wii for rent. Sadly the Wii was not yet available as a rentable console.. so yeah.. that sucked. We ended up renting nothing as there was nothing to our likings and we were to focused on playing a Next-Gen.. But no worries.. we'd figure something out;). At his house we started off playing some Mario Kart: Double Dash:). He totally owned me though..:? To be honest, he's not really that good at it.. I just sucked:(.. :P.
After that we got to Def Jam: Fight For New York. (He hadn't bought a new game for a long time and for some reason that game appealed to me:).. I have it myself, yet I don't play it anymore.. or at least not often) In that I kicked ass though:D.. Throwing my uncle's character under a subwaytrain is so satisfying:). I think I just lost once.. but that actually ended in a draw as he throw me on the rails and then jumped towards me to keep me on there.. Double KO..:P
After a long while of gaming my uncle went to bed, but I stayed up in my room watching Terminator8)!
--------------- Let The Good Times Roll ---------------------

I can't say I ate much the next day.. no breakfast or dinner.. just fries actually:P lol :D.
My uncle contacted his buddy whom owns a X360, apparently that guy had it a month and then didn't care for it anymore.. he's more into his---> Wii!!! Anyway.. we went over to his place and borrowed the X360, Yay:D!
The guy had X-Men 3, F.E.A.R., MotoGP'06 and Need For Speed Carbon.. but since none of these games really struck out to us.. (except FEAR.. to me at least:P) we decided to rent a game anyway:). Rainbow 6: Vegas AND Saint's Row!
Let me tell yah, R6: Vegas rulez:P! from it's insane graphics to it's tactical, yet most intense gameplay!
And Saint's Row.. well, there's not much to tell.. We didn't get to play it:cry:.. The game had a big scratch on it.. not a smudge or anything, a scratch.. no way we could ever get that to work.. which is too bad 'cause we were really looking forward to it.. as would anyone I presume. A person that rents a game expects to play it, right?
But beyond that, R6: Vegas was actually more than enough:). FEAR was great too:D! As it is said, the AI totally blew me away:P!
We went to the movies.. normally to watch Saw 3.. yet it didn't play that day..:( So we went to see John Tucker Must Die:). I don't know if you guys know that movie.. it's a comedy anyways.. pretty good:)
My other uncle has the game Buzz.. more of a Quiz game.. a fun thing to do when there's three (or four) of you:).. so me, my uncle and my uncle's girlfriend had a blast playing that:D.. yet it didn't last long.. Buzz gets old fairly quickly..
Again.. bedtime.. not for me it wasn't, of course:).. I took the X360 to my room, played a little R6: Vegas and then watched American History X:).

Then the last day, I woke up, tried to play some R6: Vegas.. yet the wireless controller didn't budge.. I was like "holy crap.. what now:?..". Lateron I discovered it just needed a fresh battery:P.
Didn't do much that day.. my uncle had visitors and he said I should just entertain myself for a while.. so I put on Terminator 2:).
And lateron my uncle joined in to play some R6: Vegas:D.

So.. that was a pretty detailed assumption of my weekend:).. So I'll see you guys later;), best regards to all of my buddies out there.. See Yah;)

Great Weekend Overview

This is Joey, Happy Weekend everbody (worth mentioning, right:P?)
This weekend is gonna be awesome:D! I'm staying at my uncle's place, it's so great being here the entire weekend:D.. We're gonna watch Saw 3 and perhaps some other movies.. game round the clock.. (like the good old days:D) maybe rent a Wii:D if the stores still have one available, that is (fingers crossed..) I so wanna play a Wii! Also we're gonna get Buzz, so me, my uncle and my aunt can play both Buzz and Mario Party 7 together.. It's gonna be awesome:D

I'll tell you how it was later.. So uhm.. That's about it, I guess.. Best Regards to all of my friends out here, See Yah;)

Aces Wild

say, who of you thought Aces Wild was.. wild?:P
I have to say, I didn't.. I liked it a lot, Rainbow 6: Vegas is awesome.. It's just.. those contestants were like.. so held back:?.. I understand they were trying to win.. so you'd play professionally, but where is all the excitement.. the explosions the endless firing.. the massacres.. damn.. I should've watched another tournament.. *cough* Gears Of War *cough*.. has such a tournament been on here yet? Anyway.. anyone who's seen Aces Wild.. other comments?:P
.... Tournament TV rocks....

I know I'm running a little late with my LOZ:TP review.. I've just been a little tied up these last few days.. I'll get it done soon enough.. I'm also working on my walkthrough:D.. it's going pretty good:D.. I just have to find more time to game during schoolweeks.. I'll figure something out..:P

Alright then.. that's about it.. Best regards to all of my friends out here.. See Yah;)

get out there and rack up those points!

I spend my last few days playing the latest game I've rented.. Tony Hawk's Project 8! I've been looking forward to that game for quite some time now, but it's like I thought.. I should've waited longer..

It really is an awesome game, I couldn't say if it is better than American Wasteland 'cause I sort of missed that one.. yet I can say that it rules on a lot of features and was a great rental:D!

But like all other Tony Hawk games it was a rental only, because of it's short lenght and low replay value.. (if you ask me..), except Tony Hawk's Underground, that is. That'd be the only one I would ever want to buy (although my uncle has it, so I can just borrow it..). It has a great story and gets you really involved and thus gives more meaning to what you do.

I did hope to get more, you know.. but it seems all I was expecting is included in the PS3 version, so I'll rent it once again on that console once I have it..

Anyway, after being on the board for a while, popping a few kickflips I got to the computer and wrote my review8), so if anyone'd please send me some comments, I'd really appreciate that:)

alright then, that was it:), thanks;). best regards to all of my friends out here, See Yah;)

holiday summary (for now, that is)

I admit it's been pretty long since my last blog, I really had moments where I had things to say, but wouldn't because of lazyness.. I think to myself, what am I doing, if I can't just spend 2 minutes in writing a blog saying what I have to say.. no, I have to prospone it of course, and that's when you get this.. a summary. A summary of everything I have yet to say. Well, I guess the smartest thing to start with is the beginning (naturally).

The Exams went brilliantly:D, well according to my report card they did:P. I didn't fail at anything:D! Yay! To get in the mood of the holidays, I went to the movies right after I finished my last exam, that felt great:D, the freedom! I went to see Casino Royale with a friend of mine:) (I'm sort of a James Bond fan..) It was an awesome movie:D. I had tons of critisism at first, but afterwards I realised this was the greatest Bond movie I had ever seen:D!

Merry Christmas (better late than never I'd say:P).This Christmas the entire family went to a chinese restaurant, it was pretty fun, usually we just eat at my grandparent's place, but now it was chinese.. mixing it up8)! Anyway, afterwards we went home and it was time to unpack some presents :D! I got a new cellphone:D (not that I need one or something, I hardly used my old one. Still, it was a pretty neat gift:P) I got candy you know and a James Bond book which was writen after (not before) the movie.. (I haven't even started reading it :P). I also got a few movies, Micky Blue Eyes (meh, not really my type of movie but whatever, I don't hate it:)) and a movie starring my favourite actor.. I never thought any of his movies could dissappoint, however out of all the movies that I hadn't seen of him my mom picked a musical... ok, she didn't know it was something like that, but Edward Norton or no Edward Norton, I am not watching a musical! Then at last I started to wonder.. I only wanted one thing and that of which I hadn't gotten, I was getting a little nervous already.. my mom knew the title of the game and everything (and that's something) at first I was positif I would get it, but after opening all the presents I couldn't help but feel a little dissappointed.. But then! then my mum came with one last present! a game wrapped by our local gamestore, gamemania. At long last I had the game I had been waiting for, the sequel to the best game ever made.. The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

A few days ago I had 2 friends over, which was awesome! We played Mario Kart (N64) all night:D! well.. not exactly all night, but a long time :P. We did stay up all night though, wathching The Da Vinci Code. I had already seen it, but whatever, I love seeing movies multiple times:D! (once I had seen American Pie 6 times in one week:P, such an awesome movie:)). After my friends left the next day me and my mom went to see You, Me And Dupree at the movietheatres. Pretty good movie, starring Owen Wilson:). Of course my mom did not like it.. she really can't appreciate movies, I can't name one movie she likes.. buh, whatever.

I don't know whether this was the worst or the best new year, my mom went to party and thus I stayed home the entire time, watching my tapes of Friends and playing my new game. And for the first time ever I forgot to count down.. damn:?, I realised that when it was 00.12h.. Also I didn't have money on my cellphone so I couldn't even send textmessages with happy new year and stuff to my friends, not even to Kathlijn:(.. buh.. that sucked. well, you guys have a great new year;)!

LOZ:TP is really an awesome game, the best gamecube game I own without a doubt. This one is the closest to the Ocarina Of Time.. almost.. I don't know what it is, I love this game, yet Ocarina Of Time is still better somehow.. Anyway.. it took me about 70 hours to complete.. the adventure itself lasted me about 50 hours I guess.. I still haven't completed all the sidequests though, there's way more to do:D. All in all this game was a little too easy at times. it took me months to complete LOZ:OOT, yet this game only took me a week. A full review is on the way, I'm gonna start writing it tomorrow, we'll see where it goes:P.

that was pretty much it:).. I hope everyone's still enjoying their vacation to the fullest, I'm gonna watch one more episode of Friends and then it's off to bed, I guess.. Best regards to all of my friends out here, See Yah;)

rolling Palmont City..

hi everybody :D, whassup!
The exams have been going on for quite some time now, hard work is prosponing gametime.. stupid exams:(.. Anyway, the last ones are tomorrow and then I can game again!!!:D:D Also the holidays are coming up! And I'm wondering what's under my tree, I hope, and think it's The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess, that'd be awesome:D:D!, but you'll hear more about that soon;).. Anyway, it's been a long long while since I've written another review, but here it is:D, Need For Speed Carbon!.. Please comment:)
Happy holidays everybody, See Yah;)

Stop milking American Pie!!!

Everyone knows the movie American Pie, right? Which has now  turned into an entire series, as the 5th addition has just reached stores. Why do they keep going, the first 2 movies were enough. The third one was acceptable.. but to make a 4th and now a 5th, to me that's just pushing it.I must admit the 5th movie was pretty good, they all were! except the first 2, they were awesome. All I'm saying is, you can drain succes, but please stop before it starts to suck.

Okay.. I said what I had to say, see yah;)

blue belt, karate..

yup, I got a blue belt:D, since today. The exam really got to me, I got to the point I didn't even want to do it anymore 'cause I thought I would fail. However I seemed to be the best as I got best grades (they grade you on your skills, it's not like I had to write stuff down or something:P, just to be clear) Anyway, I'm pretty enthoused about finally being an advanced karateka:D..

well.. that was about it.. best regards to all of my friends out here, See Yah;)

Some things I forgot to mention..

well.. did I mention that I've borrowed my uncle's PSP and his N64.. didn't I? Okay then, now you know:)

He won a PSP at a fair, and he let me borrow it:).. because I'm his favourite nephew.. his only one that is:P. The PSP included Ridge Racer and he bought Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories for it as well:)..
I kinda beat that game already, but in another sense I didn't.. 'cause the story is completed, yet I'm only 43 % through the game.

I also missed my old N64, but since my grandparents practically stole it from me I couldn't use it. (but that's an other story..) So I asked my uncle if I could borrow that too.. he didn't mind so now I have one back home.. yay!:D I can play The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time again:D!!!

Srry I forgot to mention that.. anyway.. today I had some bad luck again.. I was typing my review of NFSC, I had more than a page already and there was a lot more to say.. When suddenly all my electricity fell out and the alarm went on.. I lost another review:(.. Am I not ment to write reviews? Is that it?:?..

Anyway, it's good to have that off my chest again, See you guys next time;)

questionable Wii-wristband quality..

maybe you've heard about it before, maybe you haven't but the tragedy (or comedy:P, a little of both) makes me question one of the Wii's accessories, the wristband.

Some guy, can't remember his name or where he's from, who owns a Wii experienced the problem. He and his buddy were playing Wii Sports and after many games they wanted to relax a little and thus started playing the bowling game. After about 300 throws their hands were naturally sweaty. His buddy swung the Wii-mote, but couldn't hold on to it, and then..  SNAP!! The wristband snapped.. the Wii-mote broke his TV:?..

I don't like this Nintendo.. I don't like this.. do something about it or the Wii gets downgraded to dangerous instead of fun.
This was Joey, and thanks for reading;)

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