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Need For Speed Carbon.. pretty good, but not good enough.

I rented NFSC last week, I couldn't get back home fast enough, let me tell yah:P. I got home, but the excitement dropped to (almost) zero, 'cause it was what I feared it was. As good or maybe a little less than NFSMW. I won't review it at the moment (maybe one day..:P), just a few opinions.

I believe the graphics are not good enough for a sequel, the controls are bad compared to NFSMW. It really looks like a BETA game shipped to us while they're still working on the actual sequel, this can't keep me entertained.

I was planning on buying it on the PS3 'cause a lot of it's bad aspects get delt with. Like for example the graphics, they are really good on PS3. Gameplay might be cool as well as the sixaxis (or something:P) is intigrated. Also the races are supposed to be way better, races will be 8 cars instead of 4. In this generation's NFSC version most of the races are a 50 % chance win, 'cause the 4 racers consist of 2 opponents, you and your teammate. So if you don't win maybe your teammate will, pretty stupid if you ask me. Also the PS3 has online features, which also gives the game more length. But it would be too much of the same stuff, so I won't buy it, but I will rent it again on the PS3, just to see what it's like:). I've got more to say, but I'll write a review to mention everything I want:) (I really will this time:P).

Although it had all these bad elements I still enjoyed it the week I rented it:), pretty good rental, no purchase though, not even on PS3.

alright, I got that off my chest:), best regards to all of my friends out here:), See Yah;)

I'm back.. Did anyone even miss me..?

It's been a while since my last blog (not that anyone missed me here though:P..), but I'm back to make up for it now.. I'm not sure where to begin really:P.. euhm..

Good news :D, I'm finally past the first bunch of hunters in RE:CVX:D
I also beat the 3rd part of the game and now reached the 4th and last part:). I also beat the 3rd boss and I'm now stuck at the 4th. The third boss was the Albino.. (not really spooky name, is it:P) which is this kind of salamander mutation and is full of electricity, so all it does is fire bolts of electricity in the water it's swimming in. The upside is.. you don't have to go in the water to kill him. In other words I beat the sucker without losing any health whatsoever:D. The 4th boss is something else entirely though:?.. The black widow.. A gigantic spider.. the biggest one I've ever seen in a videogame..(and I've seen big ones:|) he had little to no problem in killing me as I was still stunned by it's appierence:?. But I'm sure I'll get him next time:).

Need For Speed Carbon is so closeby:P.. next week I can finally play it:D! The waiting is almost over:). My Steph-uncle (who is 2 months younger than me) does not have the patience though.. he's downloading it as I'm typing this blog.
Speaking about patience.. does anyone know the card game "Patience"? I played it a few times before and I got obsessed with it. Not that I like it or anything.. (I don't, actually) I just desperatly needed to complete it.. just once.. I spend hours and hours playing it:(.. but it paid off:D, I did it!!! I beat Patience:D!

Anyway.. you know I was talking about The Shining the last 2 blogs, well.. I had the original on tape.. and you know what my mom did:?? she taped over it:(:(! (not on purpose, but that doesn't bring it back, does it?) Now I have to hope I can find it at a marketplace somewhere..

Nobunaga's Ambition? I don't have a clue what that is:P. Sounds pretty weird:P. I better reach level 16 fast:P!

euhm.. I guess there's not a lot more to say here.. best regards to all of my friends out there (anyone..) See Yah Later and Goodbye;)

The Shining (The Original) is also awesome!!!

hello all you fellow gamers and.. non-gamers (which I probably won't find at this site, I probably shouldn't have added that, but whatever:D)! As you might've guessed, I finally saw The Shining (The original)! I think it is an amazing movie, but hard to compare to it's remake. Asassinmario's mom might've liked the original better, but I however find more pluspoints in the remake than in the original. For example, the music.. I thought the original's music was decent, but the remake's gave a whole better atmosphere, if you ask me. Also there were a lot of things missing, which is logical 'cause the first movie was 2 hours long and the remake was 4 hours. But it's those things like Jack Torrance being a drunk, him getting mad and caring with his son to show a little emotion once in a while, and a lot of other things are really missing in the original, too bad. Actually to me, there's only one real upside which makes me torn between the two of them.. Jack Nickelson's performance! He did an amazing job and really made the movie, for me anyways:).

Enough Shining:), back to games:D!
Need For Speed Carbon is coming out next month:D! Whoohooo!! I hope this one is as great as it's predecesor, or even better:D!!! (I hope:P) I heard something really funny yesterday, my steph uncle who is 2 months younger than me, is also very excited about the new NFS, like he was about NFSMW. He was always saying how great he was etc. .. Until I beat him of course8). Anyway, now.. he was already laughing.. thinking he'll beat me with NFSC:lol::lol:, damn that was funny:P, I'll show him8), I can't wait:D!

I finally have a 2nd emblem, not anything special, but it's fun having a new one:). "Vote Rocker".

Look, I know I still haven't written my review of NFSMW, after having written it for 2 to 3 times, I'm kinda sick of it, I'll finish it someday:P, someday..

My PS3 budget went from an awesome 380 bucks to 330:?, I have no idea what did it this time. Do all those small things add up to 50 bucks:?:(, there go my hopes and dreams of ever getting the system..

Alright, I guess that was it:), Best regards to all of my friends out here:D, See Yah;)


The Shining is awesome!!!

"Don't.. Please.. I can feel it!"
"Really?.. How 'bout this? *fires a shotgun*"

"In reparation for our sins.. Hail Mary, full of grace, the lord is with thy, blessed are thou.."
"Hand me that axe.."

Those are the first words you hear in Stephen King's The Shining (1997 edition, remake of the original). Great movie.. It gives you enough time to get in the right atmosphere, the movie takes 4 hours.:?. That's really long, but I can't say I didn't enjoy every second of it:). It's pretty scary, eventhough the special effects aren't really impressive. What can you expect, 1997 is a pretty long time ago. Anyway, I'm really exited about this movie and I desperately want to see the original. It's with Jack Nickolson:D.

This week was supposed to be the shortest one we've had yet, 'cause we had monday off. But it seemed so much longer than usually. It wasn't just me, almost everyone agreed with me. It's all in our head, I guess. Nothing special to talk about this week.. another boring couple of days..

I said I was gonna have my review of NFSMW done last weekend, and I did. It's just it didn't appear, I have no idea why. And at that moment I didn't really have the urge to write it again. Today, I wrote an even longer review. And.. fate struck once more.. my text dissappeared.. I didn't even refresh the screen, it just vanished..:?. That sucked. so maybe I'll have it one of these days, maybe not.. depends on what mood I'm in.

oh yeah, I almost forgot.. I'm a member here for a year (and 2 days..):D:D:D, celebrate..:P

Alright then, I guess that's it. Best regards to everyone, See Yah;)

warm feelings should last forever!

Happiness can be found in the smallest things, I came to realise. Today the most beautiful, fun, perfect girl (to me).. Kathlijn(for anyone who hasn't read my previous blogs), smiled and waved to me:D! I know that doesn't mean anything, yet I couldn't get that smile of my face:D, she could've waved to anyone, but she did to me:P, I was sooo happy all day, it was like I was floating on clouds or something:D! I'm always kind of depressed (reasons noted in other blogs) but today that smile of mine just wouldn't go:D. I hope one day I'll be with that Angel:).. *dreaming*

5th spot on The Blacklist

I've been up all night playing NFSMW (on my second file). I reached the 5th spot on The Blacklist, only 4 more spots to go to finish the game (again).I got a few new cars, I switched the Mustang GT for the Gallardo, and the Gallardo for the Corvette C6. I haven't tried my new C6 yet, I've had enough for tonight, I think I'm going to bed (If my mom finds out I'm up this late I'm a dead man (boy))

see yah;)

Beating RE remake for the 8th and 1st time

I've beaten RE Rebirth again a few days ago. It felt good living up to my own promise, 'cause I told myself to beat this game this vacation, and I did, so "Yay"..:D

Anyway, if you were wondering what I ment with the title, I've completed this game 8 times (adding this one), but this was the first time I've completed it with Chris, Which was rather different than completing it with Jill. You have no Lockpick so you have to find extra keys for those doors (which is a real pest, 'cause playing with Jill those doors open like it's nothing). You won't be able to get Barry's gun, 'cause you will flatout not see him in the story. You'll have to face Plant 42 (4th boss) yourself (unlike with Jill, where you could just infect a side of it with yourown mixure of "toxic" stuff, and then eventually barry saves you from the monster in a cinematic).

But there are also some cool stuff, like you have a grenade, if a creature attacks you, you can shove it in there mouth and then shoot it and it's head will explode, that's really cool and easy. You can also find a flamethrower (that actually works), althought I haven't found it:?, but I've seen it and heard about it. Instead of Barry, you have Rebecca accompaning you, which takes the story on a totally different road. Also your conversations with Wesker turn out totally different as well, and some more changes.. Anyway it's cool completing this whole different game, I should do it again, and that will be a priority next vacation:D

So long Nosferatu, hello Gulp Worm

Everything seemed to be working out fine with RE CVX. I was stuck for a moment there, but now I've cleared an entire base in one day and I beat the 2nd boss, Nosferatu. Now Chris has joined in, so that was a new twist in the story. I thought now that I've beaten the 2nd boss, the 3rd boss should be miles away, think again. The 3rd boss was right in my face when I started playing with Chris. Gulp worm.. A gigantic Worm, which I usually would run away from, is now a boss. And all I have is a handgun and a combat knive to beat the bastard..:? The first time I tried to kill him (it), he swallowed me whole.. So I'll have to come up with a gameplan before I try again.

I'll keep you informed. see yah;)

Do games relax or stress out?

I thought games were supposed to relax people, you've had a rough day at school/work and you want to relax, play a game.
Not really though:?, I've been playing Burnout Revenge just now, that wasn't really relaxing, not at all. It brought a lot of stress along with it. So.. what's happening? are we coming back from school/work and just not have the satisfaction of being relaxed by playing games..
I just had to share this, I know you're all thinking the same.

last few days in gaming

I've been a member for a long time now, before it was mostly to post in the forums, but these days I'm focusing more on blogs actually. It's been a long time since I was even on this site, I came back here about a week ago and I'm starting to feel pretty good about that too. I got 2 games for my birthday, Burnout Revenge and Resident Evil Code Veronica X (the only resident evil I haven't completed yet). I actually rented Burnout Revenge twice before and as far as Resident Evil is concerned, I actually had that game before (but that's another story:P). So Burnout wasn't really special, although now I had the time to complete it, which I did, and now I'm really into RE CVX, it's a really great game and it lets me feel the essence of Resident Evil once more (if you play RE4 too much you lose that feeling) I actually just beat Tyrant078, the first boss (which I thought was almost impossible to defeat), and now I'm in the second part of the game and, quite frankly, I'm a little afraid to go on, playing it in the day is just too normal for a survival horror game and at night is too scary:D, I'll just have to be brave I guess

I've rented 2 games the last few days, Rainbow Six Lockdown and.. Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter. Rainbow Six is kinda cool, although, it wasn't really what I expected. But I don't really play tactical games, so maybe it's just not my style. Anyway, I rented GRAW as well, which seemed to me as the best rent ever, untill I placed the disc in my PS2.. (read more in "G.R.A.W. on PS2.. RUN!!!" blog)

this was a little blog about my last few days and games, I hope I didn't bore you too much, but if I did, you can tell me.

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