Was bored so I thought I might as well write a bit about some movies I've seen recently.
Now I wouldn't exactly call these reviews
There only my personal thoughts.... and not a very extensive version of them either
Writing movie reviews isn't really my thing...
Sometimes I have a lot to say but I find it a waste of your time as my taste can be questionable...
I tend to like cult classic movies which aside from all the ones that grew huge fan bases many of these movies take a certain type of person to enjoy them as they arn't exactly "good" by technical standards :D
I'm aware of this so I don't wanna voice to much detail and convince you to watch something you wouldn't like or not watch something you would....
Don't know why I felt I had to explain myself but there ya go ;P
As for the first movie!
The Crow
I had seen this movie in the past but it was so long ago I forgot pretty much everything
Everything aside from the awesome dark and depressing city
An odd fascination of mine is trashy, thick, intricate, dark cities....
Something about how their actually lived in yet so awful just tickles my fancy..
Cops roaming the streets of a scum filled city hopelessly trying to manage some kind of control over crime..... love it
And this movie certainly delivers on that love of mine....
Pretty much this movie is about a good version of the Joker in The Dark Knight killing a bunch of gangsters because they raped and murdered his wife and killed him(tragic!)
So he comes back from the dead and ownes the men who did it with his immortal baddassery
It's awesome.... I love it
My only problem with the movie is how they show him put on his makeup......
Talk about killing 50% of the badass - . -
At least!
Planes Trains and Automobiles
In my opinion comedies have reeeeeeeally gone down hill
And movies like this are why I feel this way
This movie managed to make me laugh just as much or more than most popular modern comedies
Classic story of a serious, stick up the butt kinda guy being forced to rely on a goofy, obnoxious dude
Pretty much it goes from hate to love
You know how it is
But man is it funny!
And touching!
certainly a classic I must add to my collection!
End of Watch
This movie is amazing!
My buddy kept pushing me to see it and I wasn't that interested
I was like "eh just another cop movie"
Holy crap this movie is pretty damn realistic and it really shows the horrors of being a cap in the ghetto
It's a crap ass world and some crazy stuff happens
This movie is intense!
Its not so much characters constantly dying or anything... It's more like the movie does a magnificent job making what's going on feel intense and real...
For a movie it does a great job putting you in their shoes and it's the only movie I've seen that does that so well
The Eiger Sanction
While I was watching this movie I wasn't unhappy
But that's all I can really say that's good
I was entertained
However as a whole I found the movie long and uneventful
There was some cool mountain climbing stuff that did a decent job showing how dangerous it can be so that had me interested at the time...
But I wouldn't recommend this movie :(
Man in the Iron Mask
I saw this movie as a kid but all I really remembered was muskets shooting and swords clashing
I remembered wrong.... well right but also wrong
I went into this movie for a second time expecting the 3 musketeers to kick some major ass...
and while they did technically do so....this is by no means an action movie
I don't personally hold this against the movie
however you wouldn't expect a 3 musketeers movie to have such a lack of sword fighting..
It was still a good movie
It just doesn't fit the mood I was going for
You know the hack n slash, cannon bombing, bullet piercing, butt bleeding kind of movie I was expecting
So I wouldn't watch it expecting a whole lot of fancy swordsmanship
Conan the Destroyer
So honestly I haven't seen Conan the Barbarian in forever so I decided to watch it
Then as I was watching it I realized I was watching this instead
And I'm actually happy I did that because I would have just written this movie off as the crappy Conan movie of the 2
I personally loved it
I wish there were more movies like this
Good old hack and slash fantasy
I'm a fantasy geek
and a medieval geek
These are my kinds of movies
If you guys have any recommendations on similar movies let me know
especially if their on Netflix ;P
Anyways I've written to much and I'm getting tired of it lol
So I'll call it quits on movie talk
Ganna go camping this weekend so I'll be gone a few days so sorry if I seem absent from your blogs ;D
I don't mean to break your hearts like this I'm sorry D:
Have a great night or day peeps
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