I don't trust digital downloads as it is...I want my games to last forever...perhaps even for my kids...I don't see how downloads can be trusted to last that long... I would hate not being able to have a hard copy of the games I own
DLC doesn't add value to the games you buy because you have to pay more for it....sometimes you get some good DLC content that I think the developers deserve to get paid for but a lot of the time it's extremely short copy and past crap that took zero effort....
Farm Ville is getting way to much praise... I even read an article implying the "Harvest Moon"series isn't as good because its "overcomplicated" which is a joke considering that series is way more worthy of being called a game.... it didn't take a genius to come up with Farm Ville... it was all facebook... games like "the sims" and "animal crossing" would have gotten great attention from none gamers if they were on facebook... it's just good timing... I'll admit I play Farm Ville and it can be addicting... but it's so shallow and unimaginative that I find all the attention it gets pretty sad considering all the great games people never even know came out
@Idiot_son lol Doom has a deeper story than Halo? lmao I love the Doom series and even I know thats BS Halo was a great game.... not many shooters base so much on movement...Halo's gameplay revolves around maneuvering(and I'm not talking about just running backwards and side to side like in most) .... if anything the COD series popularity should annoy you... because that is a mindless shooter (BTW I'm not saying Halo is hard because it isn't... I'm also far from a Halo fanboy I just found what you said pretty ridiculous)
this game is lookin much better on the 360 really though when your playing the game the difference is to small to give a #%@$ about ps3 really only looks better on its well produced exclusives(which look amazing)... most of the multiconsole games end up looking a bit better on the 360
uglypinkmoose's comments