@ReadingRainbow4: Jesus Christ. You will never stop, don't forget to take tomorrow off to humiliate yourself even more.
UltimateImp's forum posts
@Lucianu: http://fucknohtml.tumblr.com/post/133037946850/do-you-own-the-steam-version-of-undertale-do-you
@Lucianu: Make sure you know what you need to do for the Pacifist Run's true ending, go check a guide. There's a lot of things to do.
People are at the fifth stage of the five stages of grief when it comes to Nintendo. They have accepted them as shit, and have moved on with other consoles. The people left there, are the ones who don't care about being shoved down to the dirt face down, getting their pants pulled and getting reamed up as they scream "NO STOP, but really don't because I like you Nintendo. Take my money."
@nyadc: Lets be honest, even though he misunderstood what you meant, probably intentionally as well. Some of the weird things that the Japanese culture puts are even present in AAA games, people were crying when Nintendo dressed a 13 year old girl properly, and she doesn't dress like a stripper when she fights gigantic wild life creatures in Xenoblade. We don't even need to go that far, one look at the list of 2016 games he gave is sufficient.
Stop throwing temper tantrums like petulant children. .
How about you live by your own example.
I most definitely do, little one.
Lol @ the people who think they're proving anyone wrong by being extremely delusional, emotional, and defensive about Japan's most disgusting products and fetishes. Stop throwing temper tantrums like petulant children. Repeating the word "imbecile" in every post like it's one third of your vocabulary doesn't make you sound any smarter.
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