This is a hybrid-console. $300 would be very hard to go for, I call bullshit.
UltimateImp's forum posts
@SolidTy: I don't understand why you are deflecting with "what if this is a lie" type of responses. This is such an odd deflection of criticism and of well recorded, and documented reports that Sony do indeed have a shitty way of handling compromised accounts as a result of their frequent security breaches. PSN have come under fire, consistently for it. Do you really find this hard to believe? If you do, then you're simply naive.
Edit: You seem to have edited your post, so it's only natural I do the same instead of double posting. As you seem to be very confused, and misguided. I suggest reading the thread in its entirety before you write it off, and instead of saying dumb things like "If it's a legit case, take it up with the courts." He goes through exactly why he wrote it. There's audio, and transcripts, he couldn't have made it up.
I feel that this might be questioned as an attack on Sony from someone who wants to see Sony fail, I'm not a fanboy. I don't think they should get away with continuously reaming their fans up the ass for their continuous security breaches. I've also has several of my threads where I discussed at length how Sony tends to release a console with some specific features advertised and slowly chip away at them being closed by a certain moderator here who frankly has a low grasp of the language. Here's proof I don't hate Sony. I feel that this something that a lot of us need to see, it's also a fascinating read for anyone who had the displeasure of having to deal with their already very hard to find Sony Customer Support.

"In August, my PSN account was hacked and I found $500 in charges made on my card. Sony strings me along for a month, promising a full refund, but ultimately tells me that my only recourse is a chargeback. I issue the chargeback, but Sony disputes and inexplicably wins. Details inside." - serfbufo from Reddit
For those of you who don't want to read the entire thing, here's a brief summary:
- An unknown attacker gains access to my PSN account and makes approximately $500 in charges to my debit card. Sony has a history of security breaches.
- Because of Sony's policy of banning accounts from which chargebacks arise, I try to get my money back from Sony without resorting to a chargeback, a process where a bank officially files fraudulent charges against a merchant.
- Every step of the way, Sony's representatives promise me my $500 back, yet I only ever see $230 of it.
- Eventually, Sony tells me that the remaining money cannot be refunded due to a ridiculous technicality. (They apparently cannot process refunds for banned accounts, and the attacker created a sub-account that they suggested I request be banned.)
- Sony's representative tells me that "literally" the only way to get my money back is a chargeback. I tell my bank to issue the chargeback.
- Sony disputes the chargeback using extremely questionable logic that doesn't even address the fraudulent nature of the original charges, and somehow wins.
- Currently, I am in the process of re-filing the claim, this time trying to make it very clear that it is a case of fraud, not whatever Sony claims it is.
Full title and source: In August, my PSN account was hacked and I found $500 in charges made on my card. Sony strings me along for a month, promising a full refund, but ultimately tells me that my only recourse is a chargeback. I issue the chargeback, but Sony disputes and inexplicably wins. Details inside.
Personally, when I tried to get a hand on Sony's Customer Support, I had to spend a lot of time trying to find it. There simply isn't any for my region, the Middle East. Despite Sony having sites up for my region, they didn't bother to put a Customer Support service for us. For them, it's just simple to do a Google-Translation quality translations websites to cash in on the region without getting any of the following services. For us, Arabs, we have to use the American Customer Support, which is gonna take a lot of your time to find. Even then, you get such a quality service of being able to tell the agent your problem, and then literally have them hang up on you, which is what happened to me.
Nintendo, on the other hand, when Mario Maker's online services didn't work out and the game was pretty much dead weight for me and I wanted the costs refunded, everything went buttery smooth. I told them I couldn't call them, and they simply set up a call back for me. After dealing with Sony's crap, I felt appreciated and I felt I had a voice which is a change from Sony's disgusting behavior.
It seems like, the only times Sony are willing to give you back what is rightfully yours, is when they get a ton of bad publicity from crap like this. Every time I read a thread like this, I get reminded why I removed my Credit Card info from my PSN account, and only resort to using Pre-paid codes from Amazon.
Not like it matters. Xbox owners have the superior fighter in Killer Instinct Season 4... hahaha lol couldn't keep a straight face. That's one of the weakest fighters in the market right now. Thank goodness for Guilty Gear Xrd, & in a couple of months SFV. :)
Can we stop talking about The Order, Unreal Tournament? No one gives a **** about graphics only games.
No, I'm not surprised that this is a simple cash in of the upcoming movie's hype, but I can't say I'm not disappointed that it was just that.
Anyone getting a physical copy should go to Wii U eshop and download the four loading files that are available now. They improve load times for the game significantly. They're around 15GB in total.
*spits out coffee* are you serious? Is that a mandatory download? I barely found space to download fatal frame 5. Ugh...i really need to get an external hard drive for my Wii U. 32GB my butt Nintendo. WTF.
They're mandatory if you don't want really bad popups, and slow loading times, and model load ups for both enemies and NPCs. If you want to enjoy this without being frequently annoyed at how you can't see an enemy 5 feet away from you, you pretty much have to. At least, this is from what I saw and understand. Considering how long this game is, you pretty much are going to save hours. However, this isn't needed for the download version.
This is 2015, and the graphics in this game are not acceptable when you take the time to look at other games in its genre. Now, look at the textures in this game, they're low resolution, and they look really bad from short to medium range. It is really an immersion breaker when you can count how many polygons there are on your gun.
How come there are so many people who are dumb-founded that with the evolution of technology, expectations become higher? The game looks like shit, and it also performs even worse. I'm still buying it come the GoTY edition in 6 months for 5 dollars.
You just dont get it do you, we don't play Bethesda games for their amazing graphics because we are not immature graphic whore children.
Said like a petulant child throwing a temper tantrum as he knows I preach the gospel.
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