They're both the same. But one with swords, the other with guns. Swords > guns though.
UltimateImp's forum posts
@MirkoS77: For someone who hasn't played the game and didn't know there was a beginner area and more than 2 maps, you sure are saving a lot of your free time trying hard to get yourself humiliated. Though, you've scraped the bottom of the barrel of pettiness when you ran out of anything creative to say and started copying what I said (I don't blame you, you've shown allegiance to a disc) and used PR shots as defense. Just admit you didn't play the game so we can move on.
Lol@ the people calling this censorship. The word censorship is over-used by gamers, who incidently don't know what it means. You can still have your precious bewbs, they won't be censored you weeaboos.
I was defending their choice to cover up stripper outfits in the other thread. But I can't defend this, this is dumb, not that I care. I'm still buying the game.
@mesome713: You are right, it was announced for 2016 when it got delayed. But Nintendo later released plans for 2016, and LoZ WiiU wasn't one of the games planned for 2016. It only got confirmed once again today. Before Direct, people had their doubts, and this is a predetermined list of games coming in 2016. Nintendo sent mixed messages about Zelda's date.
@PonchoTaco: That's also true but I was talking about GOTY nominees only. Still though, it's been a good year for the big 3 it seems but however, I do find it odd that there's no Legend of Zelda Wii U not listed on Most Anticipated Game 2016.
Zelda U got announced for 2016 today, of course it wouldn't be on that predetermined list, lol.
@jg4xchamp: sure but what he's arguing is the same thing. Witcher 3 and skyrim are essentially the same type of game. He's not comparing Witcher to deus ex or blood money, hes comparing two open world rpgs and he's trying to create genres to fit his argument. Video game genres are stupid enough
I mean, it's chaz.
The Witcher 3 is his new epiphany of the month game. Give it some time, the next one will be like Deus ex or Uncharted lol
I have him on PSN, he plays Destiny more than he does Witcher 3.
Dude, there's only about maybe 15 million X1's out there ATM, C'mon man, no reason to but Halo 5 in this comparison, CoD is fine tho.
Halo always sold badly on PC. It doesn't matter if it was multiplat or not, it would see negligible increase. But that way they don't move consoles, and they would have to actually give how many copies they sold instead of how many the combined profit of how many consoles it sold, copies, and microtransactions.
That first Halo sold pretty well on the PC, and that was in spite of the fact that it was poorly optimized. The 2nd halo tanked, because it was a vista exclusive and you needed games for windows live just to play it, which absolutely hurt its cause. Otherwise Halo like anything else would benefit greatly from multiple skus. It would still be behind CoD/Fallout these days if these numbers are to be believed, but given how the franchise has drawn on one console with limited fanbases, it would be foolish to assume it wouldn't sell buckets on a PS4 or a PC with larger install bases.
Definitely behind Fallout, Halo simply can't compete with Fallout. It made 700+ millions in a single day.
Lol at geralt nominated for best performance. If we're gonna nominate gruff, boring protagonists can we get Master Chief up there too?
It shows how low gamers' standards are the for VA work, and narration is. Though, lets be honest, Master Chief has an amazing voice actor, while the Geralt's voice is monotonous and can only exhibit one emotion, boredom.
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