Its one of the 5 best shooters this year
What are the other 4?
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I think they had to remove the slider in order to make the changes to Lin.
It's going to break the immersion for a lot of people here, they won't be able to make their character's boobs as big as their manly boobs.
@T3H_1337_N1NJ4: How was it incorrect?
I would like to know this as well, but so far it doesn't seem like he knows what censorship means, nor does it seem like he read what he copy-pasted from wiki.
O dear god, please no Okami, no Viewtiful Joe and please no Devil May Cry. I cant vote, Kamiya blocked me. He stated ask Nintendo to release Bayonetta 2 on PS4 and Xbox One, so i tweeted that maybe if Sony and Microsoft had half the faith in Platinum that Nintendo did it would have been. Guess he didnt like the truth.
He's Japanese, he probably thought you were insulting him. He does seem like an angry person, though.
Lol@ the people calling this censorship. The word censorship is over-used by gamers, who incidently don't know what it means. You can still have your precious bewbs, they won't be censored you weeaboos.
I don't think anyone here used that term, but if they used it, it would have been correct.
Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions.
That's exactly what it is.
You should read the definition you copied here from google/wiki before posting it. Removing a slider doesn't fall under that definition. Did I really need to explain that?
Again I'll say it, Bethesda had 6 years to make this on an old engine, what the hell did they do in that time? The major groundwork was already done for them, this game seems like it had 1 year of dev time put into it.
Who can that this game dcouldn't have spawned from the Skyrim port on Xbox One? I doubt they were working on this PoS for 6 years.
@MirkoS77: Nah, the only reason you're stopping is because you know I'm always right, and you know you poked your head in the lion's den and now you're pissing your pants as is evidenced by you not even being able to disprove any of my points. You used pictures that proved me, lol. Just like science, you don't have to believe it for it to be true.
I already caught your lies, you didn't play this game. Your tricks won't work on me!
My issues:
-Can't kill everyone in the game like you used to, cant even kill lesser characters, I punched Preston Garvey to death just for him to stand back up and make me the president of the MinuteMen, I then pick pocketed him and I got a thank you oh great leader. As soon as I got the powersuite armour I went back to the MinuteMen room and shot it all up, they all stood back up and proceeded to forget the whole thing happened. In past Fallout games you had freedom to kill nearly anyone you wanted.
-No Karma system, ties in with the above.
-No re-using shell casings
-I'm using my fists only, no knuckle items nothing, just fists. People go down much faster than if I was using a weapon, hell I can punch a turret to death in about 4 swings, I know this is my choice to play this way but Bethesda didn't think things through giving people the freedom to play this way, every piece of gear is useless to me, there's no need to pick anything up as I just use my fists, no need to upgrade weapons because again I'm only using my fists, no need for Power armor because I only want to punch things to death (yes my character is called Saitama from One Punch man, even made the character look as close to him as well), there are only about 5 perks that are useful to me meaning the rpg system from the start is extremely limited. My character build got looked over.
-Stats have been flat out removed, perk system is crap and limited, reminds me of Diablo 3's limited system only bigger.
-Animations all around are extremely poor.
-Syncing of voices is a joke
-Menus and UI are extremely cluttered and awkward to navigate
-I have to go into the .ini to change FOV and other settings
-Power amour, fat man, mini gun achievable in the first hour of play
-Dialog system is a joke and very limited
-Cant even shoot out light bulbs or other mundane world objects, no thought or work done at all on little details, the things that make great game great.
-Power armor still functions without a power core, seems the only thing a power core does is make it so the armor can move faster, that's it, I've got a friend that has played through most of the game entirely with the first power armor, picking up over 3,000lb of weight, the only annoying thing is the constant beeping noise telling you every 5 seconds that you need a new power core.
-Overburdened, general other pop up messages are very very intrusive, they just keep coming even 20 hours later, I get the hint already.
-Playing on kb/m requires three hands if you want to use the fast menu
-Loot all and reload are set as the "r" key on keyboard, meaning when you go to reload you find yourself looting, causing death.
While playing there are more and more and more things I've noticed that I cant remember here, this is on top of the graphics, ai, bland world, crap story, a character that's not mine and that I don't care for.
I'm not sure why people give it 9/10's and rank it among this years best games. If you don't take it seriously it can be fun, but as a reviewer or putting it up against other games, it falls very very flat.
Great post, I'm going to bookmark this so I read it every time I think about buying Fallout 4. Thank you.
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