As weird as Elba was to cast as Roland, casting McConaughey as the Man in Black is striaght-up stupid. He has none of the depth, the charm , or the batshit crazy necessary for that role.
Couldn't help but notice that no one said "Obsidian". Kinda mad about that after how FO4 turned out. (Still a good game IMO, but the series desperately needs a spinoff that takes it back to its RPG roots).
@andfx8: I'm not saying that the Destiny "campaign" isn't shite. All I'm saying is that being marginally better than Destiny still doesn't make halo 5 good enough. There's not a single element, to me, that's done as well in Halo 5 as it was done in previous games.
And the experiences may have been different, but the Destiny influence is obvious. The fact that the game is tuned around four players, without even an option to solo it is a big tell. The movement and spartan powers seem so similar to the way Destiny characters control it's not even funny. (This may well be incidental, but still off-putting). The enemies actually seem dumber - much closer to Destiny's walking turret enemies, rather than the surprisingly clever ai of Bungie halo games.
@andfx8: When compared to Halo 1/2/3/Reach/(even ODST), Halo 5 and Destiny seem about the same, ie, incredibly inferior.
In the H5 campaign, nothing of value happened. It basically served as a weak excuse to introduce/force in Locke (the weakest primary character in the lore). The actual EVENTS of the game add up to an overly drawn-out prologue, in which the main characters have no agency whatsoever. In reality, the campaign was just an excuse for four - never one - players to shoot some poorly balanced enemies and atrocious bosses.
@Utnayan: There is actually a point to it. The puzzles follow the same format so that the player can be taught an increasingly difficult puzzle language, so that the difficulty of the game can constantly increase without hamfisted tutorials.
Unreal849's comments