As a pc port, this is amateur as it gets. No settings in-game other than low/medium/high mode (whatever that means). FFS, I had to edit the .ini file just to get it to render at my native 1440P.
I'm gonna play devil's advocate here and say that the low scores are more indicative of the game's narrow niche appeal, more so than actual quality. For people that like old school survival horror, this is a solid choice - though definitely not as good as the recently re-re-released RE1.
@o311rocks: Yeah, it looks super janky now. And this is coming from a guy who thinks that MGS2 still looks perfect (replayed both games recently). Still a great game, though.
@indzman: Or... OR... you can you play it and make up your own opinion. The written review is quite flattering, once it gets past the expected drawbacks of ancient game design.
Unreal849's comments