Usually, by this point in the year, the yearly AC game is half-done. So whatever they were planning to release in fall 2016 must have been REAL shite for Ubi to pull it.
@berserker66666: Actually, I beat Ludwig on my first try (with a +10 LHB). He's agressive, but easy to learn and easy to read. I'd say that applies to every Old Hunters boss with the exception of the Orphan... that thing took me an hour to kill. I'd say that the Orphan is broken in some way (he was faster, more powerful, unpredictable, and he just refused to be parried 75% of the time); but there's probably some trick to beating him I just didn't catch on to.
Overall, Old Hunters was somewhat challenging but IMO not as bad as late-game BB. It was definitely a lot more fun than the base game, though. I enjoyed fighting all the NPC hunters, and the new bosses were pretty good. The hardest thing in a From game, for me, remains the Ornstein & Smough fight.
@berserker66666: I will agree that learning Bloodborne's playstyle feels more rewarding; the issue is that there is pretty much only one playstyle available, with minor variations based on weapon choice. The game never encourages you to change it up, and towards the end it actually gets a bit tedious IMO.
Oh and about difficulty -these games are as difficult as you choose for them to be. In BB, using the Hunter's Axe or the LHB turns every boss into Easy Mode. Gun parrying is also completely OP, presumably because of limited ammunition.
@berserker66666: DS2 was a bit clumsily done, but it still had a very tactical nature, where you had to think ahead before acting. In Bloodborne, recovering health is so easy that you can just blindly wade in and start swinging.
The weapon and playstyle variety in DS2 were also leagues better. BB is more polished, but it's also a lot more of a fast action game and less of an RPG. So it's a preference thing.
I did a third playthrough recently just for the sake of trying out all the maxed out weapons. Had to use the duplication glitch for blood rocks (don't judge me, lol). Wish I knew about a more legitimate way in advance.
@Oni: What made the movie rather boring for me is that TFA is basically a 2015 re-packaging of Episode 4. I know Star Wars was always derivative, but now it's also derivative of itself.
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