If world war 2 involved people constantly jumping and sliding with their exo suits, and people turning into dogs, and if all soldiers wished they had pink camos and guns, then yeah it can resemble world war 2.
@davillain-: If it truly does perform the performance they promise and hold up to, then it can be justified. Though its most likely not, so it isn't good as well.
@sladakrobot: Yeah it seems a great candidate since 6 looks quite good and ran at 1080p60 on XO. Though i much prefer if it looks like driveclub and uses a lower res.
@Huglyone: They said the PC version in GTA V helped them get the PS4 and XBox One Versions working because both run on X86 64-bit, like PCs. I can only presume they do have a PC version in the works.
@R4gn4r0k: I mean for GTA V they released on last gen first, then announced current gen and PC. Since they're only doing current gen, I'm sure they have a PC version in the works, or probably did make the PC version internally and ported it to Xbox One or something. Really they know the demand for the PC, and GTA V sold well on PC, so I'm just hoping they announce it later for a great port.
I mean the fact that Rockstar has been focused on releasing multiplayer content recently on GTA Online, I really want singleplayer. While I havent got the chance to buy RDR for XO, I hope R* has a singleplayer as good as that.
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