@shay-cormac: At this point and that much dislikes, I wouldn't say the reputation is 'good', but the casual audience who isn't into the scale and complexity of BF will buy COD regardless. I really don't understand how people still keep buying that though.
Great to enjoy this game ! Also, if some of you are skeptical of this game, please do consider trying EA/Origin Access for one month. It gives you not only access to the vault games for that month, also gives you 10 hours of BF1, more than enough to decide whether you want that game.
Since several triple A games have an open beta (gears 4, BF1, Overwatch (feels more like a demo in that case)), and the fact those betas don't have issues. In this one not only you have to pre-order the game (which in itself is a bad sign), and it already has issues. The fact there is no PC beta probably means its a straight PS4 port and will probably run like crap.
MS please don't get cocky because of this. I still consider them the underdog and want them to do some good competition, not bragging over only 3 months of being ahead in the US only.
@Richardthe3rd: I don't think its as easy as that, plus they may want to push this out to consoles at the same time. At least its good to know its happening.
VanquishRE's comments