@Gomtor: What was it i think one of the best selling games for PS4 last holiday was the uncharted remaster? I mean aside from the fact that it came bundled, still means lots of people bought it.
@smokerob79: It's a good thing. Rather than keep telling my friends to get the game, they can simply play the demo and decide for themselves, and see what a magnificent game it is.
Hopefully this gets a PS4 Pro support by launch, that is if it even launches by December.
No seriously guys, what triple A PS4 exclusives that are coming this fall? Because GT Sport is delayed, this is delayed, and other titles they showed in E3 are 'in development for PS4'.
@Spartan363: Just to correct you, XO games with gold games can't be played once Gold expires, however, the 360 games stick regardless of your Gold subscription, and since the games are BC, at least you can still play the 360 games on XO.
@IIIMatricksIII: It's 2K doing this, not Steam. If it was Steam we should've gotten MW Remastered for free if we own the original MW, but no Activision is the one who decides.
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