@validifyed: Doesn't stop the fact Sony is the one to blame for stopping consumers for making their own mind whether they want to use mods. Sort of agree with the first point, second one, well they make a big disclaimer on the XO version, so no reason there.
@Barighm: Because their competition has it? I mean i know its a small factor but to the user who has finally decided to use 4K Blu-rays, they're main obvious choice will be a One S, not a PS4 slim or Pro.
@domiddian: Very good points, however, even though MS said scorpio is a premium product, what stopping them from releasing it at Pro's price at 399? I mean it is newer technology.
@computernoises: So you'd rather have them say 'Core i5', and not specify if its a dual core i5 or a quad core i5. Specific listings are good, and hey, because of this you know your 2600k will do fine.
@simplytheebest: Alright then! Go complete your quest to post on every forum telling everyone 'HEY THESE GAMES ARE FREE BCOZ BEFORE THEY WERENT THERE AND LIVE WAS STILL THE SAME PRICE!'. Please push it to this youtuber named rags at 90,000 subscribers. Would love to see you and him argue about games with gold. If you don't then you prove my point that to those who see gold as it is now and not as it was back then sees the games as part of the reason you get gold, not free bonuses.
VanquishRE's comments