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Jan 27th, 2007

The new year for gaming has started off a bit slow. Lost planet has been released but the 360 hasnt really had any other decent releases so far and the wii is waiting til march to drop the hammer on the gaming world with 11 titles currently slotted for a march release! This spring will be a big time for developers in my opinion. I beat Splinter Cell: Double Agent and now i've moved on the Call of Duty 3. I'm still playing Gears of War, And Splinter Cell online. I'll probably start playing Rainbow six online really soon also. I rented Madden 06' and racked up an easy 500 achievement points out of on the list is probably NBA 2K6. I should be able to hit all 1000 of em! Other than that the gaming world is kinda quiet right now. Its probably a good thing though because i recieved somewhere around 5 or 6 new games around Christmas so now that i've hammered out Double Agent, theres one less game to worry about.

Hexic: 155/200

Double Agent: 585/1000

Call of Duty: 25/1000

Gears of War: 640/1000

Jan 6th, 07

i've bought a couple new games and 1 more HD movie. Splinter cell: double agent, super monkey ball have been added to my gaming collection. Doom has been added to my HD movie collection. splinter cell is an awesome game online...even against bots. i havent played against any real people yet other than kaleo and robert, so i'm deffinately looking forward to going up against the upsilon forces sometime soon. There are more pictures and this time...interesting rumors regarding a new version of the 360 being released with an HDMI port and bigger hard drive. its gonna be interesting to see if this rumor turns to be true or not! havent been playing gears a lot lately...but when i have...been tearing them up. i thought i'd be rusty for sure...but its almost had the opposite effect on me. i was lighting people up with longshot and shotgun combo. some recent updates on my gamerscore....2585 right now

295/1000 in tiger woods

130/200 in hexic

45/1000 in double agent

December 29th

Another next gen console has been added to my already really nice set up. The nintendo wii along with wii sports and zelda are in my collection. wii sports is one of the most addicting games i've ever played....and the wii is the best console ever to...out of the box. no system has come out with a game as fun as wii sports....well....maybe the older mario games that came out back in the day with nintendo systems. either way the wii is awesome. my 360 has been pumped up with a few new additions. i have 2 new controllers, 2 new games...soon to be 3...4 battery packs, quick charge kit, wireless headset....oh and the HD dvd drive! lets just say i'll be parked in front of my tv for a long time. i have 3 HD movies: king kong, willy wonka, and U-571.  i havent played zelda, COD 3 or rainbow yet but i will soon. Since my last entry...i beat fear which happens to be one of the most well made games i've played. i'm also going through and beating gears of war on insane right now as well. trying to get some more achievement points and that cool picture!

my gamerscore is 2295 right now.

CQ- 185/200

madden 735/1000

gears 640/1000

pacman 100/200

those are the most recent updates to my games and their scores.

Dec 13, 2006!

i just downloaded crystal quest...deffinately a fun game. probably wont get as much play time as i did with geometry wars. it was only 400 points, so thats pretty cheap even if i only get 3 weeks worth of enjoyement. i'm at interval 6 in fear...still playing a lot of gears online. kaleo has been spreading the 360 love around PG& the point where we now have 8 or 9 guys that play together. should be fun to have everybody on and play together at the same time against each other. hopefully we can set something up and do that. best and worst of 2006 awards are starting tomorrow! deffinately excited to see who the frontrunners are for each category!

fear- 25pts

gears- 640

CQ - 120

Dec 9, 2006 - Entry 12?

Figured i would give an update on where i'm currently at in a few games. oblivion i'm somewhere around 50hrs of gameplay with only 90 achievement points. i spend most of my time wondering the wilderness and doing small good quests for people. Madden i've played 2 full seasons in my dynasty and few superstar seasons as well. My team in madden is off the hook...super fast and pretty much unstoppable. As usual i accomplish this through my great drafting ability, lol....565 achivement points. tiger i have 135 achievement points and i'm almost done with the tiger challenge. playing online has been fun but it took the back seat when gears came along. i've beaten gears once and i'm going through it again on insane to recover all the COG tags and get the extra achievement points...currently have 580 in gears. fear i have 15 points in....and i dont think i'll get too many more either....they're super difficult to get! ive just started interval 4 so i'm a little under 50% done with the game. single player is great but i've heard the online play is pretty boring. i'm sure its hard trying to beat gears in that category! planning on doing the highly anticipated 24hr non stop gaming session after the holidays. the way things are going i dont know when in january though! i really want it to be january but if it cant....then i'll wait til feb. i just dont want to half ass it and it not be fun. i want to have plenty of food, soda, redbulls and games!! cant wait, should be hella fun. 360 and hopefully my wii for a full 24hrs! hell yeah

Dec 07-2006- Entry 11

Back to Gamespot and journal entries! With my 360 in panasonic 32in LCD TV i'm enjoying some of the greatest games ever made in 720p! Next gen gaming has been everything i hoped for.......and only went above and beyond all expectations. The online community, Xbox live Arade, game private chat......this all has made the 360 an ultimate gaming machine in every way imaginable. downloading movies, and tv shoes was added on Nov 22nd....awesome selection in HD! Lately i'm playing Gears of war.....campaign and online, Oblivion (just came out with new content), Tiger woods 07, Madden 07, and Fear! A great lineup of games with a lot more to come soon after the holidays!

Entry 10- Gaming Update

The halo 2 maps are now out and in the playlists. i think the maps have come at a perfect time and add a little something new to halo. with 4 new provides a little variety. i really like the addition of of 2vs2. the rankings of all players were wiped clean and everybody started off fresh without the worries of cheating. right now i'm a 13 after 2 days. rumble pit i've been tearing it up. i've won 3 of 4 rumble pit matches.

MVP has been awesome! i finished my regular season. zito got CY young with harden a few spots behind him. chavez and zito were 8 and 9 in MVP race. kotsay, jaco and chavez won gold gloves. durazo and chavez got silver slugger awards, dotel got rolaids relief pitcher of the year. my playoff adventure started and ended quick. i was swept by boston in 3 games in the first series. spring training is over and a few players really got better. harden got a lot better....consistently throwing 98-100. but thats what he does in real life so its not a big deal. rusty heredia started in A worked up through AAA and now i have him on my MLB team got way better. his poer against RHP is 85. its suprising but true....but for some reason i cant seem to hit very well with him. with all of my starters improving at least a little.....i figured it was ok to trade schmidt and i did it for tejada. kotsay and jaco were locks in the outfield and since heredia got so much better i figure i would give him a chance ot play. so i did get ichiro for that reason. now my IF has chavez, tejada, crosby, and durazo, kendall. pretty good IF and hopefully better defensively. crosby got wayyyy better defensively, his throwing strenght is just as good as tejada and his acuracy is better by 10. but his fielding rating and range are lower. so right now i have crosby at 2B and tejada at SS. i might switch them up from time to time to see how they play but right now it makes for a sweet double play.

i'm starting god of war again but i'm not happy about it. i just dont want to miss out on one of the best PS2 games because of this.

i'm playing mecury on my psp and i'm currently about 43% done with the game. the levels are getting pretty tough and this game really requires a lot of patience. my next 2 games will most likely be lumines and smartbomb in that order. i just read on the psp union that the 1GB memory stick for the psp is going for 105.00 on thats a super good deal.

bad god of war experience

i write in my jounal so i can log and document what i have done and havent done in gaming. i probably will never forget this because these things dont happen all the time but when they do.....unforgetable. first time i erased my mvp season after 82 games on accident. this time......playing god of war and i got to a part where i had to raise the world onto atlas' shoulders or above his head actaully, then pull another lever to knock it off so the world will crash through a giant door. unfortunately i did a sequence of events (pulling the levers, saving) in the wrong order and there is nothing i can do but start over......i'm currently 5 and half hours into the game and i've read different posts about 7 times today about this happening to people. it sucks and the only thing you can hope is that you saved before you did all that stuff. unfortunately for me i save all the time and saved several times throughout this ordeal. this proved toe be the first time where saving a lot really hurt me. looks like i wont be playing a god of war for a while now.

Entry 8 - Gamestop buys out EB!!!

i'm playing a lot of games right now but my main focus has been on MVP, God of War, and my psp. GT4 will be getting back in the mix real soon. god of war is pretty freakin sick and is my vote for ps2 game of the year.....meaning up for game of the year with RE4 right now. xbox could have jade empire or chaos theory but i havent played either one yet so we'll see. i've hear metal gear will give a push for game ofthe year too. i'm getting closer to finishing the first regular season of mvp. i'm about 20 games away.....then playoffs. i'm gonna be getting mercury for the psp today, probably from target or EB. if EB completely switches over to gamestop since gamestop bought EB i will probably take most of my gaming needs to target. i wont be a punk, so i'll check out the store on snell and branham anyways but lets just hope the changes arent really huge. i'll also be getting 2 movies too. i'm probably going to get pirates and hellboy. i'm looking to copy roberts idea about camera bags for the psp. i hope he doesnt mind but i think its a great idea to protect and hold all my psp stuff. dont worry dawg i wont get the same bag, probably totallly different. i am the boss on twisted metal with 3 cars, only beat the boss once so far. hes super hard and its really time consuming. untold legendgs i'm about and hour and half of gametime into the game and god of war about 4 hours into it.

entertainment wise.....i saw interpreter this past weekend and i really really liked it. nicole kidman so hoootttttt!!

entry #7

i just ordered god of war a couple of days ago. robert and anthony have already beaten it and say its a top notch game, so i cant wait to pop it in my ps2. still havent played much of GT4 lately but i get about a game of mvp in each day and i still play halo 2 every night. a matter of fact halo has been soo awesome. me and kaleo have been playing a lot just me and him partnered with 2 random people. we have both jumped up 2 levels in just a few days.i'm a 15 for the first time and hes a solid 14 for the first time, so i'm pretty pumped about that. we have both been tearing it up getting mid teens in kills consistently and landing inthe 20's a couple times each night. i've topped out at 26 3 or 4 times in the last 3 days. i've probably reached 20+ kills 15 times this week alone. i still like to play with vex and blade every once in a while but when it comes to success its pretty obvious that me and k dawg are really a dynamic team. its kinda hard to explain too. i thought it was certain things but nothing really fits together. for now on, the majority of the time i play will be with k-dawg, robert or my brother. they dont play too often but when we all get together, it has been fun the few times we did. psp is sick......guys came to fix our leak in the bathroom and me and the guy were chopping it up about games, mainly xbox. so i busted out my psp and he was amazed. he couldnt believe how awesome it was. i started untold legends and the game is interesting, its fun and has some cool things but its not a great or even good game. i would say its a decent game and maybe give it an early score of 7.3- 7.5. but we'll see how it goes. gamespot gave it a 6.9 and the overall score is an 8.4. i wouldnt recommend buying it, but you should try it out eventually to see how you like it. it seems people either really enjoy it or think its a little shallow and has no depth. i'm kinda in the middle, but thats not anything new. jade empire just came out and looks sick, i deffinately have to pick it up when i get the chance, most likely in the early summer soon as i get a jissob, jissob.......jissob.
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