I have been concentrating the last few days on Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance, what a great game this is. Black Isle haven't let me down. Although so totally different in content than the BG series for the PC, this really is a wonderful game in itself and (sorry to disappoint you Javier!) but it really is impossible, and therefore unfair to even attempt to compare the two! I find myself at the stage of "just finish this part....oh, well perhaps I'll just do this quest as well before I finish for now....", in other words a real old-fashioned, addicting, dungeon crawler (my favourite). I am gradually compiling a list of older PS games which I haven't been able to find here yet (ordering online would make them rather expensive). As we don't exactly live in a thriving metropolis, or in fact anywhere close to one, I'm hoping for a trip to one of the larger towns sometime soon, or failing that, I'll have to wait until my next visit to UK. I don't know if it is just here or in general that PS2 games are about 30% more expensive that their PC equivalents. I am at a loss to understand why? Back to Baldur's Gate DA, just a few more quests and dungeons I want to finish today.....and tomorrow.....and the day after......:P
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