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Myst monologues (4)

Enjoying Myst, but boy is this hard. It is a complex game and although I have resisted temptation so far, oh, oh, that tantalising Hint button. The trick so far is to play something else when I am really stuck until I can think of just one more thing to try. I think I definitely would have preferred there not be a Hint button.

Words of Wisdom

Decided to start keeping a list of sayings, thoughts, quotes etc found on the forums which for whatever reason I like.

Starting with Heretic's sig which started the whole thing off.

"You may find that having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. This is not logical but it is often true."



"If you talk to God you're considered religious. If God talks to you you're considered insane".



"Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example."


sniper_basic (from Mark Twain)

"It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt"



"I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are still missing"

modem meltdown

After a weekend of erratic behaviour (my modem, not me!), it finally reached meltdown yesterday. Almost 3 hours on the phone with no fewer than 3 very helpful IP techs and "a specialist" (oooh...). Finally seems to be working again okay. No-one could tell me why it glitched, so keeping my fingers crossed its fixed (that's definitely cramping my keyboard style)! Poor me thinking switching to ADSL from dialling in would provide the advertised 24 hour online no problem internet connection! mmm......

Superwoman soap

Completed Icewind Dale II (again), and just realised how many times I've saved the world, the universe and everything! Awesome.

Spellforce Seasons

Decided to give the Spellforce BoW another run through before the second addon Shadow of the Phoenix is released, hopefully around Christmas. A nice combination with Myst and ID2 for some variation.

Myst Monologues (3)

The graphics are really incredible, but it's so long since I played Myst I had forgotten how hard it is! This is going to be a really long haul I think for me.