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Perpetual pondering

Okay, after many opinions gratefully received (thank you one and all!), I am going to buy a PS2. This week, in fact, if I can manage to go into town. My list of 'games to play' is growing daily and I'm feeling rather excited. My PC and I are practically joined at the hip, so I'm not sure how this separation will work out, but Hub has volunteered to stand by with the First Aid kit when the PS2 arrives! :D:

Celebrity confusion

Yesterday on TV was the voting for the "Greatest Dutchman(or woman) Ever" ...... and Pim Fortuyn won.....!!!!! What about Vincent van Gogh, Erasmus, Rembrandt van Rijn, Anthonie van Leeuwenhoek, and all the others who have stood the test of time???? I (for once!) am speechless!

Eerie Echoes

Playstation Twooooo......... Playstation Twooooo......... There's that echo again! Mmmm....... Kingdom Hearts, LOTR The Third Age, Tales of Symphonia, Star Ocean. Looking at the PS list there seem to be a lot of great titles there. Mmmm....... need to think about this (puts on serious thinking cap.)...... to be continued......

Sinterklaas saga (part 2)

That's it, I've seen him, he stepped off the steamboat and climbed onto his white horse to ride around town. He's pretty nimble for such an old guy, must be all that clean living. I even got handed some pepernoten and other goodies from one of his Zwarte Pieten, so maybe I'm in with a chance this year of getting all of my presents!

I've been getting this reverberating echo in my mind this week, "Playstation Twooooo.......Playstation Twooooo.........", and am almost convinced to add this to my list. I'm sure Sinterklaas will be generous as ever, and I have been good this year!


Myst Mastered!!!!


At long last I have finally finished Myst IV! Break out the champagne, I can hardly believe it. After being stuck on the Spire final puzzle for well over a week, I had almost given up hope of ever being able to complete it. An amazing game, which considering Adventures are only a 'side-line' for me is high praise. The graphics were quite amazing, I felt as though I was participating in a film with, at times (especially in Spire), sets designed by Salvador Dali. I hardly ever buy adventures at full price, simply because for me there is no replay value, but this is an exception, and it was indeed worth full price. Although I tried to be thorough I am not sure I discovered everything there was to see and do, but as I made it through to the end I assume this wouldn't have been possible if I hadn't found all the important things.

My only complaint is the speed puzzle in Spire. I found this particularly annoying because I kept backtracking to see if I had missed a clue somewhere as a puzzle based on basically speed and dexterity seemed so unMystlike and I even resorted to the hints level 3 (thank you Paula for the help!), and a walkthrough before realising I needed to practice and build up speed.

After this 'bump' the rest of the puzzles were fun, and I'm glad I played! But oh so happy I've finished it! :D

Sinterklaas' Steamboat

The continuing saga......

He's arriving tomorrow in his steamboat! This means that from then on every few days or so until his birthday (5 december) all Holland will be putting out their shoe when they go to bed, hoping that one of the Black Peters is going to call around and leave a (very) small present or treat in your shoe. This could also be some sweets which only seem to be around at this time of year, or pepernoten (a kind of hard and/or chewy type of gingerbread), or marzipan in the form of fruit, animals, vegetables, even a driving licence, it can be made into almost anything basically (and looks remarkably life-like)!

Of course, if you haven't been good, you may end up with an empty shoe or something else entirely in there!

Singing Sinterklaas songs in front of the fireplace helps considerably, and don't forget a carrot or apple for his horse!

More another time....maybe.....

December decisions

It's only November, but the Dutch 'sinterklaas" (a slimline version of Santa who rides a white horse), will be setting off in his boat from Spain (where he lives the rest of the year - sensible man!), to arrive in Holland in about 10 days time. He then stays here with his 'helpers' all called Black Peter (not very PC - but hey it's tradition and no offence meant!) until his birthday on 5th December, when we all get presents (anyone needing any more info may ask). But basically my problem is this, when I started my presents this year please list, way back in the summer, there were promises of all kinds of wonderful games "Q4 2004'' but every time I check my list they seem to disappear ever further into Q1 2005. So now I'm stuck, a presents list with almost everything crossed off. Back on with the thinking cap again! :) Suggestions welcome!

Fabulous Fantasies

I'm a great fan of fantasy books, and after completing the Robin Hobb "Liveship Trader" series this weekend, I have to wonder why the (RPG) gaming industry doesn't make much more use of talented established authors' works as storylines. I often see laments in the forums about poor story lines (I always enjoy a game more myself with a good storyline!). With all the huge amounts of money invested into games surely there would be enough budget for this to be possible?

Spellforce Shadows

Just seen the trailer for Spellforce, Shadow of the Phoenix. Looking really good. Hope this means it won't be too long before it's actually out!!! This has really made my week!