Anyone else notice how the PS4 controller looks like an Xbox controller from the top down view? SOny totally bit off MS
@AskanTale Ummm.... XBOX controller beats Sony with 51% of the vote and Sony gets 38%. So you are wrong
I have the Vita and every implementation of the touch pad on theback is stupid and sucks. Putting a touchpad on the controller is dumb...Sony sucks...
@ffspyda Do u know this for a fact? And if so, how? Are you a developer? Too many people talk out of their ass on this site. Are you one of them?
@abdoalwaer @caloc It wouldn't help with loading time from the HDD into memory, so there is practically no benefit from DDR5
@maybock3000 The graphics of this gen are so good, you can't make as big a leap as you could in the past. Graphics are approaching photo-realism that just can't be improved much more.
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