@enrique_marrodz @vatorus Sony and MS would try without nintendo b/c they would still compete woth each other. Nintendo games are great if you're 5 years old. Their games have not grown up with the rest of the industry. Their hadware are just toys, not consoles.
They may have introduced motion control, but where is the killer motion control must play? There isn't any and there never will be. It's a gimmick, like all of Nintendo's "innovstion".
@mjswooosh @vatorus Significantly less powerfu;?? That's why teh Titanfall developers said their gaem wouildn't be possible on the PS4. The X1 is cloud powered, making processing power virtually unlimited.
And the Kinect makes bio-feedback possible. We don't even know the innovations that are possible with this hardware.
@mjswooosh @vatorus WTF are you talking about? I don't know hoe the video game market works? Why do you sau that? You're right about the attach rate, but what does launch timing have to do with anything? What is your point? You're talking out of your ass and you don't have a clue, period bro. Dumb fck
@Trickymaster I didn't think this would require an explanation but i got like 3 comments from people telling me that the games I listed are not exclusives. Who said anything about exclusives? He asked "WHAT GAMES" Not "WHAT EXCLUSIVES" So I listed GAMES for the X1, not EXCLUSIVES. It's not tha hard to figure out.
Your list means nothing, most are nominations and you have categories like "Best Vita Game? First, what does that have to do with PS and second, ofcourse Sony is going to win that one. Are you f;in retarded? Oh yeah, and do you have a life? Did you reall compile this list?
vatorus' comments