@Tio_gamer BWAAHAHHAHAHAHAH The Wii U will outsel the X1?!?!? Nintendo is not even mentioned when talkking about the console wars, tehy are not even considerd a competitor, not in teh same league. Nintendo is not relevant anymore buddy, they are dying a slow death and it can't happen fast enough
It's great how nintendo isn't even mentioned in the console wars. They aren't even considered a viable competitor. They are going the way of Sega and it can't happen soon enough.
"Over time, I expect that we'll be using these servers to do a lot more than just dedicated servers. This is something that's going to let us drive all sorts of new ideas in online games for years to come,"
@SgtDarthVader Spy Kinect? Do you have a cell phone? Why aren't you paranoid about that spying on you? It would be a better choice as it follows you everywhere, not just eh living room. These conspiracy theories about Kinect spying on you are ridiculous.
And I see a little desperate bitch that doesn't want to talk about the fact that NONE of the PS4's exclusives made the Best of E3 when Titanfall is on EVERY Best of E3 list. And just like Halo4's graphics blew away everything on the PS3, Halo 5 will destory Naughty Dog
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