Not an issue for me since I can afford to buy all the brand new games I want. No, the Xbox One isn't for everyone, only the rich and cool. The common folk can have their PS4s.
@TheCyborgNinja RIght, and changed all the software and design to accomodate no Internet connection....and all in mere weeks even though it takes years to design and implement a console....moron
@Mr_Big_Boss @percuvius2 Right, and they changed all the software for the console so it would work without an Internet connection in a mere 2 was never intended to be always online...moron
If you're dumb enough to think that Microsoft was actually going to make the XBOX always online and just changed their minds because of YOU claiming you wouldn't buy it, consider this: It takes years to design these consoles, implementing a change like always online to not, would require changing all the software designed for the system. This would take months at least...the unveiling is 2 weeks away, TWO WEEKS. Such a change could not possibly be implemented in that time. The only logical conclusion to draw is that the XBOX was NEVER always online. Use your heads....
@mlavinder Do you realize that no one cares what your opinion is? Whether you'll buy it or not, makes no difference in the world. You are meaningless, irrelevant, insignificant and nothing.
Who's Tom McShea? Is he just an author for G-Spot? Why would anyone care what he thinks? Does he run a game studio? Has he worked on any AAA titles? I don't get it....why would we care if he applauds Nintendo? Are you seriously telling me that he's just a nobody with an opinion and they post an article about it?
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