@markrousseau21 " innovation (which has been their mantra for decades)" - Innovation or gimmicks? Motion sensing games are dying out, even Nintendo abandoned then with the Wii U.
@Lostat "So, by not showing Nintendo's commitment to E3 and showing developers & investors they are serious about pushing the product" - did you mean serious about NOT pushing the product? And did you mean showing Nintendo is NOT commited to E3?
@awhite33 A "Share" button, OMG how innovative and groundbreaking, you mean when I suck at a game and can't play it, I can get someone else to finish it for me?? What a great idea, now I don't have to be able to play games to play games...
WTF are you all talking about? Everyone complains that Microsoft is robbing us all blind but no one offers any examples or proof. They rip us off by requiring payment for a service, or good? That's called business morons. And you're not forced into anything, you can choose not to buy. So STFU and go away...no one here cares if you're not going to buy the next XBOX, your opinion means nothing.
@GrumpyMcNasty @TheSorrow66666 A movie is not a service? What is it, then? Not a product...you tale nothing home at the end. So if not a product, it must be....a service.
vatorus' comments