@blue900 I do own a PS3 and it collects dust. Never tried multiplayer on it because I could never get my ID and PW to work cuz Sony sucks. The thing doesn't even work right. I'd rather pay more for something that works.
WTF? Goomba is a derogatory term for Italians, like the n-word for black people. WTF is wrong with you?? It's like having the headline "Why I Choose to Kill Ni***s"
From Urban Dictionary: "Taken from an Italian word meaning friend, the word is mostly used today as insulting term for Italian-Americans. By calling someone a Goomba, you are implying that they have ties to the mafia."
Sooooo....I guess we need to get rid of all violent movies, TV shows, and books too? But completely ignore the upbringing of murderers and allow unfit parents to continue bearing and raising children that grow up to be criminals. Little Johnny isn't violent because his father is an alcoholic and beats him regularly, or because his mother is a crackhead prostitute that neglects him. No, it's Call of Duty that makes him violent...
A patent application is not the same as a patent being issued. This is just an application for a patent, no patent has issued so Sony did not patent anything yet. I'm a patent attorney and the headline is misleading.
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