I don't get it...stream games from the PC?? Soooo...you can sit on the couch and play a PC game a few feet from your PC?? Or will you be able to stream over a wifi connection anywhere? Which would be cool, but if not, what is the point? Anyone buying this?
@valcrist09 They aren't innovations, they are gimmicks. Nintendo introduced motion control and they aren't even supporting it anymore. The U plays old Wii motion control games but where are the new ones?? Motion control was a gimmick and just a fad. It will die after the next gen.
Nintendo is fast becoming irrelevant. The Wii sold because kids wanted it for X-mas. It appealed to children as a toy. And you think all those casual gamers, the grandparents and parents, are still playing Wii Sports? The Wii was just a fad, the Wii U will fail miserably, Nintendo will be in last place this next gen and in the next-next gen, they will be in serious trouble.
@Dasim64 "The PC market is already growing by leaps and bounds and is due to take over the sales lead in gaming if it hasn't already." - First, do you have any source to back this statement up? And second, all the growth in the PC gaming market is coming from social network games and tablet gaming. Do you really consider FarmVille and CityVille real games like WoW, Diablo or Starcraft?
"but the PlayStation 3 is now the number one source of television streaming." - NO IT ISN'T. Follow the link, it's the number one Netflix streaming device. That does not make it the number one device overall, especially since Netflix is dying a slow death. That's some real professional journalism right there....
@spenceslivn @SHusien @Bane_09 And only Americans are suckers for free.....the rest of the world would rather pay for something than have it for free....you are a wise man, sir....
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