@jecomans: I actually put in around 240 hours including HoS. I enjoyed every minute of it but it's only every so often I can do this. It was literally the only game I played for several months. The last game I put this much into was FO3, I think I ended up with 170, or so. I think 40-80 is the sweet spot for games. I definitely like to play a huge game every couple years or so but if all the games go in this direction or end up too large, It'll just be pointless .
@dnsfw_jamus@kutulu1: As much as I love The Witcher, this was one of my biggest complaints. It's not that I didn't like waiting until a higher level to be able to craft some gear but by the time I got to the level I always already had something better anyway, making it unnecessary to craft anything. I only crafted a few pieces the whole game because of this.
@xantufrog: This concerns me too. Not only the quality but, in general, I have a life (fortunately?) outside of my PC and other games I want to play. If a game is too big I might just not even have time for it. And missing this game would make me sad.
@jcwainc: I am absolutely in love with Gwent. That said, it has a long way to go before it is as balanced and variable as HS. I actually started playing HS because I was jonesing to play Gwent on my phone PvP style. I have high hopes that someday CDPR will expand, polish and release Gwent as a phone app. I'm sure it will be mind-blowing. But until they do, I'm thoroughly enjoying HS. It took me a solid week to get my footing and figure out how to win but now I'm straight up addicted. There's no reason to hate, man.
@cboye18: Your problem is that you only gave it 30 seconds. That's just silly. It takes a few tries to understand the flow and develop strategies. It does get easy after a while but it was never designed to be a full-fledged card game. It was just an incredibly well done mini-game. It will take some work to make it a stand-alone game but I hope they do it. It has the potential to be insanely addictive.
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