Try TF2lobby and see if you actually don't suck at first.
ventnor's forum posts
Too bad I was only 8-11 years old when Vanilla WoW took I missed out on it. :(
So you're what now? 14? I think you'd have a hard time finding a raiding guild.
Why would I leave a group of awesome people that I feel really close to just to try out a new game.
Learn how to play the game vs the AI before you attempt to play against people in BGs that have most likely been playing the game 4+ years.i5750at4Ghz
Check the thread date. Besides playing PvE is very different from PvP in WoW.
Don't compare it to DA2 reviews. Obviously bribed to give a high score all over the place, even one of the developers made a user review on metacritic.
There's 30 days of free playtime on the WoW CD key, the quest passes are just trial versions you can give out to friends.
To play the game you will need to update to the latest patch, it doesn't matter which expansions you have or don't have. You will still have the exact same game downloaded on your PC. Also don't install from the original disk, it's a waste of time. The fastest way if you don't have the cataclysm expansion is to download the installer from the WoW website, it will download roughly 14gb. If you're afraid of downloading you will sort of have to get the last two expansions and install from the cataclysm CD.
Sadly I haven't been able to find any RTS' alike BFME/BFME2. It was so perfect.
Their new Raid for the next patch is Zul'Gurub. Yup, they are resuing old stuff to try to add new content since the end-game has barely any.
Also this seasonPVP arenas are the most unbalanced of all times. The new hero class is the Frost Mage, unless you row that every arena match lasts a minimum of 30 minutes (2v2). Hunter sucks as always.
Scrub, no it's not reused, if you did any of the new quests in stranglethorn you'd know it. Frost mage is pretty good in PvP, but once you get into arenas above 1k rating it's bad. Locks aren't exactly doing too well. I'd recommend rolling something like a priest, both shadow and discipline are very good in PvP.
I had a baby with morrigan, but I also killed the dragon myself so I don't know.
Awakening is an expansion with hunt is just one of the countless DLC. And if you enjoyed Origins then you HAVE to play awakening.
I loved both ME1 and ME2, sure they removed the mako, but they listened to the complaints and implemented the firewalker or whatever the name was (DLC, but it was free)
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