I know that blizzard will eventually come around to making a warcraft 4. Its not confirmed but they left the game on a cliffhanger and also they will make soo much money off of it.
That being said i really cant wait until i play this game, i was a fan starting from warcraft 2 and i still play warcraft 3 frozen throne from time to time, i think the campagin was really fun. Its probably gonna take 10 years but i know they will eventually release it.
I know the graphics will be amazing and the gamplay suburb. I really enjoyed playing starcraft.
Anyone have anything to add on what they think it will be like? your opinion if they will/will not release? I really hope they give us something about it soon : D.
I don't think it'll pick up from the end of WC3, it'll pick up from where wow ends, some day.
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