Battlefield 3 8/10
even though it looks extremely great so far DICE could mess it up completely.
Diablo 3 10/10
Even though it's not coming out this year, it's a diablo game.
The Old Republic 0/10
I have no intereset in this at all.
Brink 7/10
Bethesda, bugs.
Skyrim 2/10
Didn't like Oblivion/Fallout 3 and again Bethesda, bugs.
The Witcher 2 3/10
Just not really interested.
Starcraft 2 expansions 6/10
Black Mesa (Half Life 2 mod - remake of original Half Life with Source engine) 3/10
I still have some hope for it since it proved to be more or less done in autumn 2011, still no proper updates.
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