Got lots and lots of issues with that program, aswell as seeing it fail to bust anything
ventnor's forum posts
Odd how they don't offer Hitman: Contracts...
Not that it's a huge loss.
It's a horrible game, the other three are good tho'
- M16 Holographic & FMJ
- G18 Akimbo Extended Mags
- Semtex
- Flashbang
- Bling
- Stopping Power Pro
- Srambler Pro
- Final Stand
With this setup you simply press the trigger once and make sure all shots hit and your target is dead
Bad Company 2, Hitman 2: Silent Assassin, Battlefield 2, Team Fortress 2, Far Cry 2.
Just some of them
Oh lol, all the games includes a "2" :P
I'm buying NTW soon however I'm wondering if the perfomance is somewhat better, because I got lag every time I set the speed to Ultra Fast in ETW.
Would it be normal that it occurs with the specs I have? (Look at my sig)
Everything is at ultra by the way, including unit size
AA is at 4x and filtering is trilinear
shouldnt it be which is better Team Fortress 2 vs Battlefield Heroes ?RedDanDoc
Well battlefield heroes sucks unless you want to dash out a lot of money to buy "Ultimate Points"
And even if you had unlimited of those for free TF2 would still be better
I think they used in the 'Ja vizhu protivnika" context. Translated it means "I see the enemy" and I heard it like few hundred times in Bad Company 2. I even thought the AI is bugged.Crimsader
This seems to be it
I think it's more something like "prativnika," (or sometimes "prativnik") and having played plenty of 2142 it seems to be basically like saying "enemy." For instance, they'll say "Tank prativnika!" when you spot a tank sometimes, which I assume directly translates to "Enemy tank!" in English. JP_Russel
If you don't have any valve games, you may want to look into the Valve Complete Package on Steam. Its $99 but it contains 22 games. Deadly_Fatalis
I even stated that I already had Portal and TF2 :/
But aye I have 10 valve games already, including HL1
Orange Box is what I'm going for
Shogun II: Total War gets my vote
Okay, okay, thanks for the replies everyone, I'll definetly have to get it then ;)
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