Hey, i know this has been something of a hot topic of late, im not trolling, just move along if your not interested. However, i'm really dissapointed that i cant run bad company 2, i thought my rig was good, not great by any means, but its ok.
I have:
Corsair 550w PSU
PNY 8800gts 512mb
Gigabyte p35 ds3l (socket 775)
e8400 @ stock 3.0ghz (one of the best core 2 duos ?)
Antec 300 Tower
4gb Corsair 800mhz ram
500gb Samsung HDD
200gb Maxtor HDD
500gb Seagate External HDD
I think the problem is my monitor.. i got it off ebuyer, its http://www.ebuyer.com/product/161787 @ 1920x1080 which i think is why it runs so bad.
I get like 15 fps on low (if that) with everything turned off e.g. AA AT
Any help on why im having this problem? thanks.Hadentar
The monitor really isn't why, maybe your resolution is abit high considering you have 512 MB Video ram, but you should also tell exactly what settings you run it at, and your operating system.
Also, Bad Company 2 is VERY CPU Eating, try getting something quad.
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