not really, low framerate and those kills might aswell be lucky, make a montage if you really have to and not just shooting one bolt and replaying it four times.
To have the TF2 stuff in Gmod, you need to own Team Fortress 2. Same applies to Portal, HL2 Ep2 etc.
He most likely does, he's talking about actual weapons not just models. The SWEPS aren't in the game by default, but someone coded them, search for TF2 SWEPS or weapons in toybox.
I'm sorry but that review is just stupid, that's like saying Call of Pripyat sucks because there was a game with the same kind of features earlier. Call of Duty 4 was like that (Even though the balance was way way worse there) World at War was like that, Modern Warfare 2.. well lack of dedicated servers and some other obviously stupid things (A game ending killstreak, really?)
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