Quake Live.
ventnor's forum posts
[QUOTE="tuggythetugboat"]Check out Heroes of Newerth too... I haven't played it but heard good things about it...A ton of my friends are into this game and I was thinking about starting to play it. Any opinions or things I should know?
I've heard from alot of people that the community is horrible.
Leage of Legends has a helpful community, I had never played DotA so I asked how things worked and three people tried explaining it to me. Anywho, LoL is a great game, especially for being a free one.
And yet blizzard continues to amaze me with their cinematics.
From my experience with fantasy RTS games; You won't get anything better than BFME II and the RotWK expansion, those are the kings.
Question for OP though: How is the online now? Haven't played in a while still any hero maps or is it all tower defence now?
That wasn't a zing! moment, more likely box, damn 10'ers.
Level up.
Besides in 4.01 there's no longer ranks, the spell improves as you gain levels.
At the moment im downloading the WOW trial and I was wondering if I did enjoy it would it mean I would have to buy on top of the original, I would also have to buy Burning Crusade,Wrath of the Lich King and when it is released Cataclysm. And even if I did buy all of them would they all be dead except for Catacylsm and I would be stuck doing end game content as ive heard you have to get a high enough gearscore or something to run end game instances and since i would be new and have very average/bad gear. I would be unable to run instances and thus be unable to improve my gear and be in a catch 22.
Thanks in advance
Wait for December 7th, but not too late at all.
[QUOTE="ventnor"][QUOTE="Wakanoid"] Happened to me for a good while, I just tried again later. Have you done that yet? :PWakanoid
Yeah, downloaded yesterday, tried again later, tried again today, I'll try again now.
And your results are...Still nothing.
[QUOTE="ventnor"]Happened to me for a good while, I just tried again later. Have you done that yet? :PDoesn't work for me, I signed up downloaded and all that kind of jazz, however whenever I start the game and select a server the game seems just fine, however when I press start from the game menu I can't connect to the server.
Yeah, downloaded yesterday, tried again later, tried again today, I'll try again now.
Doesn't work for me, I signed up downloaded and all that kind of jazz, however whenever I start the game and select a server the game seems just fine, however when I press start from the game menu I can't connect to the server.
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