I really regret purchasing MoH, the singleplayer was fair, multiplayer sucks though. I paid 30€ for it, I feel like I should have paid 7.
ventnor's forum posts
In matter of fact Crysis maxed out at 8xAA and 16xAF runs better than WoW maxed out with 8xMulti sampling and 16xAF
No, I already had TF2 when I bought the Orange Box, I didn't get another copy.
[QUOTE="ventnor"]Give me a second I'll find the install link.
Just put it in your browsers adress bar.
OMG youre THE MAN!!! Thank you SOOOOO much! So this means it'll install and when it releases to the public I can just play it right?
Yeah, you can play right away once it's released.
I would recommend them, they're great time wasters and they're hillarious.
You can pre-load new vegas. I recommend that you restart steam, and go to your library. It should be there, and you should be able to click pre-load.[QUOTE="b-u-r-p"][QUOTE="ventnor"]
You can't preload before it's avaliable, if avaliable at all.
I can login and get to my Games library and its there but Ive left-clicked and right-clicked and I dont see the option to preload anywhere! Where is it??? :cry:
Give me a second I'll find the install link.
Just put it in your browsers adress bar.
Seriously, WoW has a terrible optimization if you turn all the setting to max.
Even Starcraft 2 starts to slow down on a PC that can max out ME2 and play Crysis at a considerably high setting.
It's okay for a game with high end graphics to require humongous resources to run at max, but games that chug at the highest setting with behind-the-curve graphics boggle my mind.
Company of Heroes runs better than Sc2 on highest setting. Why is that?
Hell, Age of Empires 3 runs better than Sc2 as well.
Maxing out ME2 doesn't take alot, that counts for all UE3 games.
But yeah it's badly optimised, I heard there's not even multicore support.
You can't preload before it's avaliable, if avaliable at all.
Hmm, that is strange it isnt up. Sometimes Steam releases the games a little bit late. I wasn't able to buy NBA 2K11 on Steam until it was out for a day or two.
It's going to have steamworks implemented, that means you will need to register it on steam to play it. So, it doesn't matter where you buy it, it will be tied to your steam account.
It still boggles my mind that people are willing to pay for an alpha.nethernova
Why not? The SP and MP are both functional, most of the features are already added, and it's getting updated alot, for example, the next major update is here at halloween
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