Thanx guys. Knowing the optimization hasn't been fixed kind of puts me off obtaining it through legitimate means...C_RuleYou'll run it just fine, then why complain about optimization?
Well, ArmA 2 as mentioned, it's way more requiring than Crysis though. (I'd recommend getting operation arrowhead however if not both)
bf bc2 comes in mind if u speak of graphics and effects , that game (like all Battlefield games ) creates best war atmosphere possible ...FarkemanWhat are you on about? BFBC2 is one of the most console-ish shooters and definetly dumped down because of the console version.
Get wire and phx addons, spend hundreds of hours.Also play multiplayer, the fretta servers are quite fun.
[QUOTE="ventnor"]A) Yeah, 14B) Yes.C) I don'tD) Sure I will.realguitarhero5Games for Windows/Steam name?
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