You may want to skip to Black Plague. SAGE_OF_FIREUh why would he? It's like overture just scarier and no crappy combat system.
ventnor's forum posts
Your video card is crap, but I remember when I had a terrible rig, way worse specs single core @ 1.6 Ghz and 2gb ram and then a HD 2600, I could easily max out MW2 at the free weekend with 60+ FPS
Anyawys we don't know anything about your problem, stopped working can happen from alot of things, try updating your drivers and reinstalling the games.
Oh look it's the Call of Duty series again which is owned by activision, what a surprise.
so heh,,steam,,i'm not sure i like that app
And I'm sure I don't like your way of typing.
OP: Contact steam support but, send them a mail and not a contact form, mailing them usually takes 1-8 hours before they respond while contact form can take a week, I can't remembe their exact email though.
PC Games sold more than Xbox 360 and PS3 games combined in 2009, and that doesn't include digital downloads which is more than half of them.
Max out Crysis? Are you insane? SuperBeast
I do that just fine on my system, even AA and AF at respectively 8x and 16x. My resolution is only 1366x768 though, that's my native res.
Im looking for an mmorpg which is basicaly like this :the movie 300:
you and a group of like 100 - more or less, to go war between another group of online players.
i doubt a game like this exists. but if so i would like it to be like this
-a full out game play, NOT a game where you choose maps each time, and are paired up with randoms each time
soemthing with a story that you can go along with.
-good graphics
basicaly that. ahahha
thnks guys.,o0Panic0o
I would have suggested the cRPG mod for mount and blade: warband, but since you don't want map cycle based (Even though, there's something within it called strategus, you get to join a faction and ride around and declare wars etc. on other factions on a set world map.
I am not sure if I should get into PC gaming. I dont like RPGs, Strategy games and Simulators which look like the biggest part of the PC library. I also have a PS3 and can get multiplats for it. None of my friends play on PC. I also dont know much about all the PC hardware.So do you think I should get into PC gaming?
FPS is the main genre of PC gaming, not strategy and simulators.
No. Now it's Intel versus AMD and nVidia versus AMD. Two against one! Oh noes! :o[QUOTE="keren_man"]What the.... So now it's nVidia vs AMD instead of nVidia vs ATI!?Hexagon_777
Intel is no competition, they just put crappy onboard chips on mobos.
Been playing Mount and Blade since the old .808 beta. As for Warband only just bought it now. The online is pretty fun with 100v100 50v50 battles and it's definitely the games primary strength. It's enjoyable, if a bit shallow. But I don't regret buying it. Karl319
Get the cRPG mod.
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