So you don't like Steam because you didn't like a game you bought there? Also it's not exactly smart buying any new games at steam.
ventnor's forum posts
No it's not worth it, you should ham or salami the requirements before it's anywhere worth it.
I recently bought a new macbook pro, have installed Windows 7 through bootcamp as a game playing account and am pleased to report it has the capabilities to play any modern game at low/med settings, often above. Im not a graphics whiner who rage quits when I see a fuzzy texture, so please no tired comments about my choice of laptop please. My question is, what modern online multiplayer FPS (last few years) would you guys recommend for gameplay, online stability and longevity? ALL THESE GAMES BELOW ARE PLAYABLE ON MY LAPTOP SMOOTHLY, EVEN CRYSIS, SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. I have looked at several common options and am dismayed to find that most pc shooters seem to be slightly glitchy console ports, Here are some options : MW2 - I do enjoy the multiplayer but I understand some people find the IWNET servers a deal breaker. Are they all that bad? Bad Company 2 - I have always wanted to try this, love destructibility and all that, but there are some reported issues from connecting to the servers. Have any UK users found this very pervasive? COD4 - are the dedicated servers worth getting this not modern warefare? Crysis - is the online multiplayer any good? Can't find anybody who gives an opinion on it O_O Any other you guys would recommend? Thank you very much to anybody who helps :)fishyrandom
Modern Warfare 2 has no dedicated servers and is full of hackers
Bad Company 2 is fine, never heard of those connection issues (Except when the game was just released)
Call of Duty 4 - It's a good game, and what are you talking about not modern warfare? It is modern warfare the game is even titled so.
Crysis - no one plays this.
My opinion - Team Fortress 2 (This can even run on OSX)
Half Life . Half Life: Blueshift. Half Life: Opposing Force, Deux Ex, Deux Ex: Invisible Wars.
Hey guys. I made this video a couple of days ago. It is a video showing Team Fortress 2 playing at 10,000 FPS.
Click Here to watch the video. Looks best in 1080p. What do you guys think?
Jesus not you again, all you did was use one console command and blow up sticky bombs in slow motion. Also you posted a ton of threads with this video on the steam user forum.
Well since the game supposedly only should be 10 hours from start to finish I'll skip this until it goes on a low sale.
EA offers access to BETA, BETA is something that works, ALPHA is trash that even developers wouldn't want to touch. HoMM V alpha was the last alpha I touched...horrible, you'd have to be paid to play an alpha version and advertise it on various known forums.[QUOTE="Farkeman"]i preordered it since ver 0.2 i think ur not paying for alpha , u preorder the game and you get exclusive entrance to closed alpha i guess ? thats exactly what ea is doing ^^DanielDust
Have you even tried Minecraft? (Not the browser version)
Black Ops could be good, however the next title I'm really anticipating is Battlefield 3
I figured that. But those are the extremes, whats do I need without the newer high performance games?[QUOTE="ghostphantom563"][QUOTE="ventnor"]
You'll need way better specs to run Shogun 2: Total War, Empire: Total War, Portal 2 and all other source engine games.
Those are NOT the extremes. The source engine is 6-7 years old. The extremes would be Cryengine 2/3, Unigine, Frostbite Engine etc.
There's a large difference on from Source to Source 2009 (Left 4 Dead 2) And it's abit more demanding, not extreme though.
Also have you tried the recent Total War games? I tell you I'm having worse perfomance on Napoleon and Empire than I'm having in Crysis, which runs perfectly maxed out at 4 AA
I played a 40 minute match, I won.. barely.
Its so much fun fooling around with thousands of units, fighting until the bitter end. Has anyone played this game in the series? What do you guys think about it?
Decent, I prefer empire by far though. But I'm looking even more forward to Shogun 2.
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