Well topic title. I'm considering to purchase Starcraft II, it seems like my kind of RTS however I am quite terrible at RTS'. I always seem to get destroyed if I have less than 10 minutes of preparation before someones decides to rush my base.
all the laptop cost was £350 about 400$ so i guess i should of invested into alienware desktop that would have been awsome,but ill just have to put up with it now thanks for all your help
You paid 350£ for that? You've been ripped off, badly. and no, don't ever invest into alienware, it's again a ripoff. If you really have to game on a laptop get an Acer.
[QUOTE="kieranb2000"] What? No, that makes no sense. If he is asking which one we liked better, then that is a comparison of opinions, not of game mechanics. So the game mechanics are moot. I could compare my enjoyment of Starcraft 2 to my enjoyment of sex. Yes, both are mechanically completely different, but if I wanted to I could compare my opinion of them.kieranb2000
So do you like sex or SC2 more...?
Well SC2 has much better single player than Sex, but I think Sex wins through on the multiplayer front for me ;) XD
Yeah the singleplayer campaign was way to short, if you rushed it you could complete it in 20 seconds
[QUOTE="PredatorRules"] Crysis might be on low but CoD4 on med-high evenPredatorRules
Uhhh no way can he ever run Crysis. Crysis runs with 4-5FPS on the lowest possible settings on a laptop with a better processor than that, and COD4 is barely playable on lowest settings.
dunno, I've played CoD4 on max graphics with only 3Ghz Intel Pentium 4 single core processor, 1Gb RAM and HD2600XT
Yet he has a Intel graphics chip which is way worse than a HD 2600, I think you misread it like I did.
Hah! I used to run Call of Duty 4 on the following (and that was maxed) 1.6 Ghz singlecore CPU. 512 MB RAM and a HD 2600 Pro, I had constant 30+ FPS that game isn't demanding at all
[QUOTE="blorgy"]help me! i open gmod but then i cant use the main menu options that follow: start single player; creat server; mod optoins; and at last, i cant find any servers. so help me!plzblorgy
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