Batman: Arkham Asylym
I can't really think of more right now, but there's plenty :p
Batman: Arkham Asylym
I can't really think of more right now, but there's plenty :p
I've seen this on the internet, and it seems rather true
Pick Two! :Pcoreybg
You can't pick both free and good though =)
Lies, lot's of good free games out there.
if u guys was in my squad and i taught u how to play project reality u wouldnt say it was boring...dont get me wrong there can be times when u need to defend and u might not see anyone for a while...but when ur in situations where ur in a building and a tank is looking for u and ur pinned down under fire wow moments like that get u really shaken up!
And those awesome moments was completely fine in BF2, I remember playing Gulf of Oman once where my squad and another had headed to the abbandoned building that was being built. Anyways then we got pinned down by a MEC chopper and trying to surive by taking cover and hiding was just.. awesomeness! Ah.. BF2, everytime I think of you I get nostalgic :(
[QUOTE="coreybg"][QUOTE="shakmaster13"] Lolwut? Paladins were extremely underpowered in TBC and you could basically roflstomp anybody of equal or somewhat better skill with a warlock, a druid, and a shaman. TBC had NO balance. But an MMO with different classes can never really be balanced while keeping the classes unique, so it's a moot point.DanielDust
What I meant was the palas were OP at wotlk,that's one of the reasons I stoped playing,most people were retri palas cuz that's the easiest class that requires no skill at all other than hiting bubble and avenging wrath.
What class did you use? sounds to me like you're an extremely bad player if paladins everywhere defeated you, especially since only "noob" paladins use bubble in pvp or battlegrounds and you will always beat them if you don't just sit there and wait for divine shield to fade away. I'm pretty good at paladins and I don't really have it easy, against good players, but against "noobs" I can pretty much go against 7 players at a time (hard with hunters or warlocks when you fight multiple enemies even if they're noobs) just like any class that is played by a good player. We can go at it the whole day and still wouldn't reach a conclusion that would please us both but know this, every class is extremely balanced, only the "noobs" complain about class balance, because every good player that plays a certain class will be faced with "umm yeah of course you beat me, warrior is overpowered", "umm sure, you beat me but that's only because you had rogue and it gets like 3/4 out of your life with a simple combo","d'oh, of course I was destroyed, how can somebody defeat a warlock" etc. Classes are balanced, players that think they're good but actually they suck against really good players on various classes are the only ones that consider them unbalanced. Try to actually avoid invulnerability shields or auras, chances are those players are bad, since as I said no good player uses divine shield, that spell means panic and good players never panic, if you avoid them for a few seconds you'll surely crush them.Errhh.. in the start of WotLK a paladin could kill anything by mashing a few random buttons.
I really hope for a half life 3, though it seems completely not reasonable and the chance is just not there at all.
Eventually the DotA game they're doing might be interesting.
CS2? Just won't happen when they're making a large update for the current.
Yes it does have pretty reflections and so on, the graphics are alike those of portal. Eventually there's the cinematic mod which gives the game even more HD textures/some new models etc. But play through it without mods at first.
I think Cataclysm will be kind of a fail.Changed all/most classic terrain,stupid horde race and cap raised by 5 levels?That's really stupid imo.
People complain that WoW is getting boring so Blizzard changes the everything and people complain about that.
Goblins stupid? I think they are a cool race
If they raised the cap by 10 then the next expansion will raise it to 99-100 so there isn't any more room for more levels.5 levels is fine.
Well that's my personal opinion,I stoped playing wow when wotlk was released and I don't plan on playing it again.Imo, what they're doing is ruining the game.
Nothing was wrong with WotLK in the start (With the exception of Death Knights being overpowered) but then that 3.2 patch came and you could just skip previous raid instances, that's the point where I bailed out.
Tried using Fraps to record your games?
Fraps is an awful choice performance wise, size wise and price wise.
WeGame, is just so much better and free.
So I should just pick up a copy of CS: Source? How is CS: Condition Zero? I was interested in the single player campaign.
I've also loocked at the Source Mi=ultiplayer Pack that inculdes CS: Source, Day of Defeat: Source, Half-Life 2: Deathmatch for $29.99. Is that a good deal. Do people still play Day of Defeat: Source?
Condition Zero is awful, 'nuff said about that game.
DoD: Source does still have players, but try getting a gust pass off someone first. HL2: Deathmatch is actually worth it (Co-op maps and puzzle maps are just awesome now and then) but you can get that free if you have an Nvidia/ATI GPU and who does NOT have that anyways? (Links in botton of post)
So you could might aswell buĂ˝ CSS and DoD: Source seperately.
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