A friend of mine recommended me this game so I thought I'dd give the demo a go, it seems really nice and all, but the steering is just retarded without mouse pitching or a flight joystick. So I'm wondering if there's any way to enable mouse steering? It's just completely impossible to control when you're left handed.
[QUOTE="laliberte11"] can i do this in offline mode? or should i hook up my interwebz?laliberte11
You'll need an active connection to the internet. It just is missing a file or two. Steam will detect, download, and install the missing files. You should be good to go then.
does that mean i have to download the entire game again or just those files?
His friend is getting a new PC in september, I wouldn't buy more RAM (Since it's probably DDR1 and expensive) Also, I hope to God he isn't buying a prebuilt, or at least, if he is you help him pick out a decent PC. I would either wait it out until September, or buy it for a console.Ikavnieks
Yeah at first when he told me he was talking nonsense, aka. Alienware/Fail Dell.
I then gave him the whole "blargblargh blargh pre-built is overpriced and so on" speech.
That was the sort of response I hoped not to recieve, the min requirement is 1gb, however alot of games can easily be run with lower than min. requirements.
Well a friend of mine and I are thinking about picking up borderlands, however his rig sucks and he's not getting a new one until somewhere in september.
I don't have his exact specs currently (I'll get them when he's online again) But according to him everything except RAM is above the min. requirements.
So shortly, the question is will the lack of RAM do a huge impact or just something minor?
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