I just made a Steam account to purchase a game from them. I filled out everything, but when I added my credit card info it said the address was incorrect and the transaction failed, however when I went to see mycardaccount it showed the charge for the game. So now not only am Iless $55 for the game, I can't download it either. Also when I tried going to the forums it denied me posting access even though I activated another account for forum use. I wonder if Valve ever heard of using one account for all their services? Last game I buy from them.
If there is a steam version of this game why can't I add my retail copy to my steam account?tehHaXo
Fail, just because there is a steam version of the game it doesn't mean you can add the CD key to your steam account, this only applies to steamworks games, aka. games that require steam to run, no matter what.
I've been waiting impatiently for this mod, and it seems like it's made no progress over the last few months. I know they have been saying that it will be released "when it's done", but I would at least like some vague release date (6 months from now, a year, 2 years, etc.).
Anyone know when it might be finished, or why there hasn't been any news lately?
Well I just played through EP2 and when I reached the part where you drop ships comes with striders I thought "If someone haven't already made a remix of this it must be done!" So.. is there any remix of that out there?
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