There has been at least one moment where you probably just read a blog and thought, "what do I say?". You could be just dumbstruck by the blog, thrown off by it's offbeatness, or just have a mental block or whatever. It's like jumping off a roof and surviving, you have no idea what to do next.
But when this occurs, just follow Verdugo's 8 quick tips to commenting: (DISCLAIMER: RESULTS MAY VARY)
1. Take the mainstream approach and just express your true feelings and say what you think right out. If you liked the blog, then just say ( OH WOW THAT WAS AN AWSOME BLOG) or something possibly less outburst-related and more related to "I liked the blog". It gets the point across. And it's the simplest way to comment.
2. Have something witty to say, while cleverly tieing in your enjoyment for what you just read without sounding too overly dramatic.
3. Go digital, and start throwing out DAT WOZ TEH ROXorZ! or something along those lines. The writer of the blog will get your point. And find it encouraging.
4. Say something nobody else would really think about saying, point out something you think is awsome that other fellow commenters might not have already talked about. Bonus points if the comment is humorous.
5. Quote some famous line that is related in some way to the blog, it puts your idea through, and it sounds good (Of course, it's highly unoriginal, but who gives a damn.) But if the blog is about a flying pig, and you quote something COMPLETELY off-topic when compared to said Pig, you'll look lost, and your comment will be both null and void. (But you'll get a thumbs up for randomness).
6. Mention Chuck Norris in some way. Hell, you could put CHUCK NORRIS as the comment. Or if you are not a CN person, then go with Bob Dole. Cause Bob Dole said so, BOB DOLE!
7. Be humorous and intelligent with your comment, sound smart and funny. If your comment is funny, while also having an agreeable and strong point, it makes for a quality comment.
8. Don't comment. Only use as a last resort:D.
I hope these tips have better educated you in how to comment on sophisticated blogs in any way. If not, then I guess it's my fault huh?
Thank you for reading.
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