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verdugoRE4 Blog

Hitting the Reset Button

New Years Day always felt to me like a slow walk towards a big red button. And I'm slowly shuffling along, eating delicious New Year's dinner, anxiously watching the clock till it hits midnight, and dreading the annual cup of champagne I have to drink every New Year's. Every minute left until New Year's Day is like a wall in my way, as I walk towards this big red button, minutes pass, and a wall is crushed so that I may walk closer to this button. Pretty soon, midnight is within the hour, and I am seeing my crimson treasure grow ever so closer to my finger, slowly and slowly, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1......

I push the button.

Now, pushing this button is similar to hitting a reset button on your N64 (if you can remember that age-old console), or hitting the Refresh button on your computer. It gives you a chance to redux your lifesty1le, to resolve it, to cut loose grudges, make a friend or two, it's something to help you start over and try again. You push this button, and you get a whole new year to do what you want to do, it's your choice. Whatever problems you have in your life, rip em apart, and toss em out the window. If you always wanted to write a book or go skydiving, do it this year, do it NOW.

Think about it, every New Year's Day you push this button, and you got another year to do with what you will. This year, make the most of it, there may be a time where that button might fail you, where you may not get another year to use for yourself. So make due with what you are given, don't waste it. Live your life to the fullest, and give your problems a nice swift kick in the ass while you're at it.

HappyNewYear.jpg Happy New Year! picture by krastis

Happy New Year everybody!


Small Fry

What would you call something big?

Your "Big Screen TV"?

A house?

A City?

A state?

A Country?

Now what would you call something small?

A baby?

A set of keys?

A Book?

Little things at home that go on?

Now, if you said yes to anything on that list as to being small, you are right. But you are missing something:

You ever thought that Earth is a small thing? I mean it's big to us, but it's small to everything else. VERY SMALL. INCREDIBLY SMALL.

Now the SUN, yeah THAT"S BIG RIGHT?

Size comparison between the Sun and VY Canis Majoris.

Eh, not really.


Recognize this face?

halloween.jpg picture by krastis

Having just watched the Rob Zombie version of this movie yesterday, I say it's a decent movie. But no offense to Mr.Zombie, his last movie The Devil's Rejects really sucked. But hey, he still makes really good Metal.


The Future of Gaming?

As we see now, gaming has taken a turning point. The gaming world is in the era of the "next-gen" as it is called, and gaming has never been more advanced, more sophisticated, and more incredible than now.

You have your 360 bringing the world together, and taking some incredible games along for the ride.

The Wii capturing the imagination of the public, and reinventing what made gaming "Fun" again.

And your PS3, a monster machine that eats money (I kid, its great too)

But what is the real "Future" of gaming? After the highly coveted 360s, Wiis, and PS3s, what will games have to offer?

Will sony give us aPS9in 2078?

What about Microsoft? Does the Xbox720 interest you?

What if Nintendo brings out something to top the Wii?

Games become more advanced for each console that is released. Soon, it won't just be just graphics enhancement, it will be motion sensing and almost-realistic worlds for you to explore. The idea seems incredible doesn't it?

But, from there, will games be fun anymore?Will they have that intoxicating simplicity that your retro games used to have?

I believe as games become much more advanced, they are growing to be less like games, and more like reality. In a matter of time, games and the real life won't seem so different from each other.

But who knows? Maybe gaming will be even better in the future. We will just have to see. Maybe the "Ultra-Next-Gen" will be better than the Next-Gen.

And I hope the "Money Eater 2.0", or Playstation 4 in a layman's terms isn't made soon, otherwise we will all be left with huge holes in our pockets.



When people dream, fantastic, yet very unexplainable and sometimes just plain absurd things can occur. You might not remember what you dream, and sometimes you do, and its fun to try and remember what you were dreaming about.

And what do I dream of? Well, I dunno. The last dream I could recall resembeled something like :


You see, when in the dream state, you don't have to think. Your mind takes over, while you take a break. My thoughts on what exactly a dream is, is what your mind is thinking of, but what your mind is thinking of is usually clouded by what YOU are thinking of. But if you always knew what your mind was thinking of, then your life would feel hazy, and quite crazy.

Hazy and crazy? Oh crap, I just rhymed.

But, in a nutshell: Dreams are just so freaken wierd. Even the logical ones.


Spell the word AWESOME please.


(my smarter, less careless side): How disgusting, its a-w-E-s-o-m-e. Not awsome.

(Myself) Well sorry! That's how I always spelled it!

(Yeah, the other side guy): Nobody ever noticed it was spelled wrong?

(myself): Ummm, no not really.

(other guy): Blech, grammer is a gas nowadays.

(myself): Yeah, especially when you've spelled grammar wrong.

(that guy): Oh shut up.

(myself): Well, I've found another way to spell Awesome.

(still the otherside guy): Oh really? How?

(myself): F.E.A.R:)

(sideman): ? Are you sure you've been to school before?

(Myself): Here, play it.

(My boring smart side): I don't have time to play...... HOLY CRAP, this IS AWSOME!

(Myself): awesome

(Borefest man): I said shut up, I'm playing here.
