It doesn't matter how good or bad this game is it will sell gangbusters.
As much as we like talk down the COD franchise it is one of the biggest videogame franchises out there and has a ridiculously strong command in the casual/mainstream market.
That being said, I'm glad that this entry sounds like it has added enough new elements to keep fans on their toes while staying true to that sense of nostalgia fans of the series are expecting.
Ninja wife and I currently welcomed another ninja to the Ninja household so we have both been trying to get as much sleep as humanly possible; nevermind finding time to keep up with all the goings on in the videogaming world.
Hopefully I can get a bit more sleep in the coming months or else it will be GAME OVER for me 🤣
As for your comments about wishing for a return to form for the franchise in the way of something similar to RE 1, 2 & 3, I think Capcom managed to achieve that with RE7. Yeah, it wasn't the same RE we were accustomed to with its departure from a 3rd person perspective to a first person one but everything that made the franchise stand out in the first place was on full display in RE7.
Limited Ammo, limited inventory, safe rooms, tense survival horror atmosphere, jump scares, all was there to remind fans of the franchise that despite the superficial differences this was a pure blooded RE experience.
At the very least, RE7 showed us that if Capcom really wanted to they are more than capable of bringing the series back to its roots regardless of whatever model in gameplay they employ.
Whatever they decide on for RE9 I really hope that Capcom brings the feel and atmosphere back to what made the series such a staple of the genre.
This seems really weird but I like how Capcom has decided to turn Rose's story into a DLC add on rather than giving her a full new entry in the series as I think going down the direction they are in the DLC might not lend itself well to a full game.
I also think Ethan's story (and legacy for that matter.) is better suited to remaining in RE 7 & 8 and that anything in the way of a new entry should either go back to the cast of old (Chris, Claire, Leon, etc...) or pick up with a completely different character much the same way RE7 did with Ethan.
Just my 2 cents but I actually loved the idea of Ethan in RE7 as up to that point (since RE4 onward.) it felt like Capcom had not only lost sight of what made the series popular to begin with but that the amount of backstory and baggage each main character at that point possessed made it impossible for them to tell any new meaningful stories.
It's also cool to have someone new to the world of RE come along and be freaked out as they have no idea what the heck is going on. That same formula with the characters is part of the reason why I think RE1 and RE2 did so well.
videogameninja's comments