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#1 viewtifulreed22
Member since 2004 • 66 Posts

I don't know why Riverwolf cares so much. He's fighting this battle to the bitter end...why? I have no idea.

He blatantly ignores the games that have it AND on top of that they are the best games. UT3 is a bummer but we have to move on with our lives. And THE CLUB is a joke in and of itself. I dont know why he hasn't been modded for this asinine crusade that he just doesnt allow to die. Its civilized trolling but trolling none the less. Of all the arguments to make in system wars..this is his crusade?

How is making a list of all the PS3 titles that dont have voice chat trolling. Voice chat is a very important thing to me since I always play games online with my friends. He isn't making accusations, he is stating a FACT.

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#2 viewtifulreed22
Member since 2004 • 66 Posts

360 fans to Sony fans

Your library is second rate, According To...You? Are you an industry professional now?

PSN sucks, Works just fine for the money I have to spend on know...$0...XBL works great too, if you buy the premium service, I've had both.

Some of your games have no chat feature, Which? All the online ones like Warhawk have it.

You need to buy rumble as an option, Fair enough.

HDMI is sold seperately, Yeah, it's horrible to pay $20 for hdmi, especially compared to: hard drives, wifi, hd, online, etc being extra.

You hype MGS, KZ2, FF13, and GT5 for 34 months since E3 2005 and they are still not out, Luckily many great games are, and did Disgaea and Valkyrie just get confirmed for August? Oh snap.

Motion control has been a bust, Ever tried it? Which games does it not work in? Works great in Burnout: Paradise, Heavenly Sword, and every other game I've used it in.

Lair, Ever played Lair? It was average, but certainly not horrible, or below average, it didn't innovate, but, very few games this gen have innovated anything really, and the most innovative are multiplats.

HS is 6 hours long, Took me 9 hours, bit short maybe, but, no one could complete it in 6, not even possible, you sure you played it?

P. Harrison is quoted in the press on 2/22 as being "pissed off" at Sony of Japan and three days later "steps down", Peter Moore stepped down from Microsoft, I guess if someone stepping down means total failure, then all platforms have failed miserably every gen :cry:

There are plenty more example where those came from but I'm sick of putting them down so I guess the point is it's a good thing you have RROD to distract yourselves from the reality of the current situation.


There, I answered, the RRoD/DRE/Every other error the 360 is experiencing is the only inexcusable error this gen, I delt with it, wanna see the pictures? Gaming line up on the 360 is the best, hardware is by far the worst, it's not like only hardcore sony fanboys rant about the RRoD, I had an xbox last gen, loved it, bought a 360 this gen, it died, got a replacement, it died, I got pissed and felt slighted, I never play for more than 2 hours at a go, keep my systems in a large well ventilated cool room, did everything the manual said, and it wasn't enough. I'm content with my ps3, my wii and my pc, if microsoft fixed the RRoD/DRE/Others to get the failure rate low enough that they could announce publically that it's been fixed, and turn the manu warranty back to standard, I'd buy another 360, mostly because I'd love to give Lost Odyssey a go, I loved blue dragon, I'd also buy mass effect again. Regardless, it's not a cop out to say "RRoD", it's a fact that a company as large as microsoft, with as many tools as they have at their disposal, should NEVER have rushed a machine out without testing it, it gave them a headstart, but, didn't change anything, as Nintendo is clearly in the distant lead this gen.

Library = self evident

PSN = not even comparable when you consider the free games and prizes I have won in various contests that offset the 14 cents a day I pay. (google search XBL contests for details)

No chat = Fear and of all things UT3:lol: (and those are just the ones I have played there are more out there)

HDMI = 360 has the option for both HD and headset out of the box while the PS3 comes standard with the av cord from the PS1 and no headset even avalible.

You answer a hype complaint with more hype for games not out? whose side you on here?

Motion control = tacked on, for example balance in Uncharted and also in Uncharted the grenades were broken and unintuitive but I admit there is room for improvement and it could rock if for example you could have had left and right aiming also controled by tilt instead of just elevation, phew what a mess it was this go round though.

Phil was fired for the comments he made and we all know it, comparing that to Pete getting a promotion and making more $$$ is laughable.


Oops, I left out Lair, I had Lair shoved down my throat for 2 years as the be all and end all of next gen games, if you don't understand why it is hated on as it rightfully is then I seriously don't know what to tell you.


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#3 viewtifulreed22
Member since 2004 • 66 Posts

About Backwards compatibility: "We'd like to put that into the good-news category and not frame it as somehow going back on our word."


Your quote for wrong! He is talking about Rumble and the lawsuit with Immersion not B/C (pg. 53)

Peter Dille:

"Let's talk about rumble for a second. Rather than couching that as a negative-Sony flip-flopping- keep in mind that we had a legal issue there with[rumble patent holder] Immersion, but we heard loud and clear that rumble was important to gamers and took the necessary steps to make it happen. I think we get painted a lot as a company that does doesn't listen or is arrogant. From our perspective, [making rumble happen] is doing the right thing by the consumer, offering them something that means a lot to them. We'd like to put that into the good news category and not frame it as somehow going back on our word..."

I stand corrected. Thanks for pointing that out.

Heres what Dille actually said about BC on page 52,

"First of all, nobody has pulled it off besides us."

