@Fallenlords69:Reward vs Ridicule is a weird thing. Games that promote a very competitive atmosphere tend to get very toxic very fast. They become a target for cheaters and dos hackers. Games that try to avoid competition often die from waning interest. Lack of motivation for skilled players and lack of community for newer players to participate in. Its a conundrum that even I cant solve.
That said for Overwatch as a whole I think the gameplay is ok at this point. The ability to judge the situation and adapt to it by switching characters I think is intentional. That's why all the characters are unlocked. Each Champion has a strength that can overcome some hurdle and if your team members don't know how to adapt you will lose badly, I think the hand holding the game does even at champion select is important because most players will just opt for a cool character or think they have to main a character when that's not what the game wants. In fact the tactics in Overwatch I visually none present as this is simply a beta but as the game gets old Meta will evolve and champion combos will start to become normal and set ups will start being used. The randomness of Beta makes the game seem chaotic but a team of six players may change your mind.
@holifeet: Bad comparisons? Well obviously there will be comparisons because both games visually seem similar but when played you then realize how different they are. Battleborn feels like MOBA. From in game leveling, paths, creeps and super creeps and power ups. Everything about Battleborn aims to be is MOBA but its FPS perspective influences not only actual gameplay but champion design. The mishmash of the two isn't bad and the FPS element in no way diminishes it as a MOBA.
Overwatch isn't a MOBA and most comparisons to it being a MOBA comes from its champion design. Champions and champion abilities and ults are major part of MOBAs but this is where all similarities end. Overwatch is by design a Team Based FPS. Champions don't level. There are no creeps or items. There are no stats to boost and manipulate. So while its not a MOBA it's fair to use the term "MOBA elements" when talking about Overwatch. Especially when it you look at champions and their roles in combat.
So I have played both Overwatch and Battleborn and personally Overwatch wins. Why? Well because Battleborn aims to be a FPS Moba and Overwatch aims to be a Team FPS with Moba elements. One is inventing something another is adapting something already there. Overwatch is basically team fortress 3.0. Still Teambase but heavy on the characters. Battleborn is try to create something different by adapting the game design of both MOBA and FPS to compensate for both of them being present. I recently tried Paragon and believe me Battleborn could have been way worse.
Overwatch characters are individually OP but they are also situationally OP. The game is designed to always force you and your teammates to switch characters as you either make that final push or bunker down to defend. You can get some real nail biting moments in Overwatch. Battleborn is clunky and playing characters is a pain as you're forced to play with whoever is available and not what your want. There was a real pressure to lvl up just to find a character I actually liked. Hoping that once I found that character I love the game. They should have just had currency to unlock heros or do like Overwatch and give you all the heros from the go. Overwatch gets a 9 ( Team Fortress 3.0 ) in my book and this deserves a 7 with a "you should still buy this game" added.
@ssjvegeta420: Um....yeah? I think you're barking at the wrong guy unless being middle ground isn't enough in this conversation. Look despite ALL that you have said Nintendo will always have a rabid fanbase. It's it bread and butter. From the people who simply buy their handhelds to play Pokemon to the people who buy their new consoles to basically play the same stuff just with better graphics. So yeah all that smack talk means nothing. While I have contempt for many of their choices and business practices personally I understand why they keep making money. It's one thing to sit there full of vile and putrid hatred for an institution that frankly couldn't give two fs what you think and another to actually find afew friends who buy Nintendo, play with them and then understand why they still keep making money and gaining new fans. To think Ocarina of Time sold about 8 mil units on the N64 and still manage to push 4 mil on the 3DS is remarkable. Especially in a time when handhelds are suppose to be dead. So no they aren't going nowhere; their pockets are very deep; sadly they're going to keep making hardware and people are going to buy it. So it makes no sense beating up yourself over it.
@angrycreep: But that again will be credited to its rabid fanbase. The Wii took the Gamecube overclocked the processor and made a gimmick. Then they delayed Zelda just to make sure it would sell in the fanbase. What was different about the Wii was that it had brilliant marketing. It was basically product lightning but like lightning they flopped with WiiU. Even the 3DS has to pack more remakes to keep the momentum going. So yeah the NX will do well as long as Nintendo fans switch over but "hit" is left to be seen.
@smokerob79: "talent" is a subjective term these days. In reality all he did was take the mic from a girl who daddy and mommy bought a record label, hired writers and producers all because she wanted to be a pop star. She just as fake as all of them but stunts like this keeps him in the limelight. Makes him money and I laugh every time it does.
@jay_t_proulx: Lies... Look if you didn't already know Nintendo is a hardware focused company. Nintendo bottom line is hardware sales. Software simply functions to improve hardware sales. Its the reason they couldn't give a f about third party games. The only reason that Nintendo hasn't ended up like Sega is because they have a few cash cow franchises and a rabid customer based that will buy all their stuff. All their doing is shortening the WiiU life cycle. Usually they have a religious 6yr life cycle but things must be really bad sales wise to pull a "twilight princess" again.
@Mirimon78: "How the world sees him" is irrelevant when it keeps shoving money down his pockets. You should be more concerned about what it says about us when people like Kim Kardashian are worth 64 mil or when Michael Bay can make millions off shitty movies while laughing at the critics or while Ubisoft keep making basically the same game over and over with a fresh coat of paint and gamers run out and buy them.
@liquidrider1: Victim and here I was going for smug bastard. Oh well.
I will admit that I have a bias created from playing PSO2. You sort of laugh when another RPG says it has awesome combat only to see your character flailing around while rooted in position.
Right now no MMO is in danger of losing players to Blade and Soul. I can bet you that. It will have a fanbase no doubt but until the expansion content arrives I think its a 6.
vinion2000's comments