@Ayresbrun And the fact that one of there major launch titles is Call of Duty proves that they arent looking at ONLY nintendo owners to buy their console. so get off the nintendo ball sack and learn to accept someones words as their opinion.
@Blue-N-Yellow excellent point if it wasn't for the fact that Nintendo isn't only targeting you with this system. They are begging us the "Halo, God of War, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Gears of War, Uncharted, Call of Duty, Elder Scrolls" crowd to come back to Nintendo. Sure we are sipping the sack of companies like EA and Ubisoft but wasnt it the same for Nintendo. many of us simply moved on. so you cant blame us for faulting nintendo. i love a good mario game like the next guy but i started playing mario bros back in 80s so forgive me if i have lost my excitement.
@YIGIF sigh another person who accepts blindly but i wanted to respond to this "self entitlement" argument that the industry has been using lately as a smoke screen.
"self entitlement" means that a person feels like he deserves more than he actually is getting. developers say that we have overly high expectations and because of this we are often disappointed. sigh
anyone who has been playing games for the past decade and a half will have noticed that games aren't getting more in content they are getting less. there was a time where a company gave an entire third of the game away (DOOM) for free just so we could play their game. now we have to plead with them for a demo and probably never get one. there was a time that after a year they would give you a entire disc filled with a new campaign and maps as an expansion for less than half the price of the original. now we pay almost the same price for scraps of DLC here and there. Campaigns have become shorter, Single player is becoming obsolete and complexity is being exchanged for fly-by-night gameplay. A commenter once said that a game like Demon Souls, which has been celebrated for its difficulty, a few years back would have been a normal game. Manual Saves have been replaced by auto saves and multiple check points so you never have to worry about dying. they hardly even put ultra hard mores anymore out of fear someone stops playing the game cause ultra mode was too hard.
Developers have forgotten that we have played the Half Lifes, The Dooms, The Quakes, The Marios, The Sonics, The Civilizations, The Buldur Gates etc (sorry if i left out your genre) so we know and have a good expectation of what a good game should be. so when they say we feel "entitled" their pissing all over us while giving us less and wanting us to pay more. they want to appeal to the 12hr crowd while forgetting the dedicated 40hr+ gamers.
I'm sorry but if you want to live the lie fine but don't feed it to me or other ppl. SELF ENTITLEMENT is another JARGON for DEVELOPER COMMERCIALISM/CUSTOMER EXPLOITATION.
@Kaz32 @DarthLod you know what I'm going to give you a bag filled of shit. what don't want it? well tough luck there's going to be plenty more where that came from so i guess you'll have to get use to it.
see how your logic is flawed because unless you wanted a house filled with shit at some point you will say "why must i keep accepting your shit?" and i will have no answer as i cant force you to take it. its only when you stop accepting my shit that ill be forced to give you something else.
its bad game design when the player has to think about the camera and camera angle. my problem was that RE6 purposely obscured your view just to add difficulty but in the end just cheapened the game. its doesn't even try help the game's atmosphere like the bad camera angles in the earlier games. take example from dead space it gave you enough peripheral vision to keep a horror feel while allowing you enough space to react to in comming enemies.
Mike i want to totally agree with you but i cant. i think we can all agree the new dashboard it crap. It looks cluttered, boring and you can waste time looking for what really matters as well as making avatars and premium themes useless. yet once you get use to it there are things that it does better than the old and it runs faster than the avatar heavy predecessor.
The ads are worse but they usually have stuff that interests me so it no bother but i can see how it can bother others. I love the concepts of having apps and the ability to simply add a feature as an app but they must add meaningful apps and not just some cash-in feature we don't need.
what i don't see is how all these things impede anyone from using the device as a gaming machine. as long as there is the classic blade interface the dashboard is simply eye candy.
vinion2000's comments